When vsftpd tries to report config error, and stdin is detached from controlling terminal, it gots caught in an endless loop because it uses die() (utility.c) to report an error condition, which in turn calls bug() (DIE_DEBUG defined by default), bug() calls vsf_sysutil_activate_noblock() which fails to set nonblocking mode when /dev/null is opened as fd=0, calls again die() etc., until the program eats up ann vertual memory and gots killes by the system. Fix: Put a file named patch-utility into files/ subdir of vsftpd port, rebuild and reinstall: patch-utility How-To-Repeat: Make a vsftpd.conf with syntax error, then feed it to vsftpd: /usr/local/libexec/vsftpd vsftpd.conf </dev/null
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->dinoex Over to maintainer
State Changed From-To: open->closed committed, thanks. (pach did not apply, it had additional spaces in each line)