sysutils/ntfsprogs is based on 1.9.4 which is over a year old. Substantial improvements and bugfixes have been made in the interim. Fix: The following patch updates the port to ntfsprogs-1.12.1 - it has been verified to compile cleanly on 5.4-RELEASE (i386), that's all! Needs more testing as all I have done is update the existing port and diff files. I don't currently have a machine with both NTFS and FreeBSD. I had a brief look to make sure the patch was still relevant and it doesn't seem to clash with any new functionality or changes in ntfsprogs. The original port patches apply cleanly except for one place. Patch follows... How-To-Repeat: Observe the version number in sysutils/ntfsprogs/Makefile
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->flz Grab.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed with modifications, see diff for more information. Thanks!