math/cln does not compile when an older version is installed (portupgrade is failing). This is because it looks first in /usr/local/include before using it's own include in $WRKDIR. So it finds necessary headerfiles which were installed by the older version. Since some definitions have changed the compilation stops. Fix: I think best would be to include a comment in UPDATING. math/cln has to deinstalled BEFORE building. How-To-Repeat: install version 1.1.9 and try to compile the new version 1.1.10
I doubt that this is a useful addition to UPDATING. For example it's not terribly important to read when updating from packages. Couldn't you simply test for the interfering file in pre-build:-target and give an error-messaging? Volker
This is usually solved by patching the Makefiles to first look for local headers before going to /usr/local/include. Can you send us patches implementing this? -- Pav Lucistnik <> <> Like 'Do Notte Buye Betamacks.' That was a prediction for 1972.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Waiting for patch to come in
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Committed, thanks!