The default pluggerrc-5.1.3 (and earlier) use the command line flag +useFrontEndProgram, which is no longer supported with Acrobat Reader 7. As a result, mozilla/firefox will do nothing if the user clicks on a PDF file. If the browser was run from the command line, a usage error shows up in the controlling terminal, indicating the problem with the acroread call. Fix: Remove the +useFrontEndProgram flag form /usr/X11R6/etc/pluggerrc-5.1.3. How-To-Repeat: Run firefox with plugger-5.1.3 to support the Acrobat Reader 7 plugin. Browse to a PDF file and try to open it.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Done. I also changed acroread -> acroread7 because that's what gets installed by current acoread7 port.