This is a new port of libgadu. It's a library used by many Instant Messangers that can communicate using the Gadu-Gadu protocol. This port is very similar to ekg which was initially created and improved many times by Jacek Pelka (thank you!).
State Changed From-To: open->feedback So is this a replacement of polish/ekg?
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->pav Track
It provides separate libfile. You don't have to install "whole" 'ekg' to use gadu-gadu protocol with many instant messangers like: Kadu, ekg2 (pr to be sent after libgadu is in ports), ekg (patched to not produce libgadu anymore ready for submission), Gaim, and the others. Yes, it overwrites existing libgadu at the moment (provided by ekg). Anyway I cannot send patched ekg (without libgadu) when there is no libgadu in ports. Should I submit both for revision?
State Changed From-To: feedback->open Clarified.
State Changed From-To: open->closed New port added, thank you!