Bug 91717 - Fix www/plugger-plugins-hubbe installation
Summary: Fix www/plugger-plugins-hubbe installation
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-01-12 19:10 UTC by Esa Karkkainen
Modified: 2006-01-14 17:17 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

file.diff (993 bytes, patch)
2006-01-12 19:10 UTC, Esa Karkkainen
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Description Esa Karkkainen 2006-01-12 19:10:03 UTC
www/plugger-plugins-hubbe fails to install because print/acroread has
multiple security bugs.

Fix: Use print/acroread7 instead of print/acrorea and use another binary,
which doesn't have version number in it's name, as dependecy for www/plugger.
How-To-Repeat: # cd www/plugger-plugins-hubbe
# make install
===>  Extracting for plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6
===>  Patching for plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6
===>  Configuring for plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6
===>  Installing for plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: sidplay - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: acroread5 - not found
===>    Verifying install for acroread5 in /usr/ports/print/acroread
===>  acroread-5.10_2,1 is forbidden: outdated and has multiple security bugs; use version 7 instead.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/print/acroread.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/plugger-plugins-hubbe.

And after you fix that one you'll get following error (assuming you have
www/plugger installed)

# make install
===>  Extracting for plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6
===>  Patching for plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6
===>  Configuring for plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6
===>  Installing for plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: sidplay - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: acroread7 - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: mpg123 - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: mikmod - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: ogg123 - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: xanim - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on file: /usr/local/share/eawpats/acbass.pat - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: alsaplayer - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: xpdf - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: gqview - found
===>   plugger-plugins-hubbe-5.0_6 depends on executable: plugger-5.0 - not found
===>    Verifying install for plugger-5.0 in /usr/ports/www/plugger
===>  Installing for plugger-5.1.3_1
===>   plugger-5.1.3_1 depends on shared library: X11.6 - found

Run ''make local-mozilla-install'' as user to locally
install plugger for Mozilla

Run ''make local-opera-install'' as user to locally
install plugger for Opera

NOTE:  For plugger-oohelper to work, [o|s]office must be
in the PATH.

===>   Generating temporary packing list
===>  Checking if www/plugger already installed
===>   plugger-5.1.3_1 is already installed
      You may wish to ``make deinstall'' and install this port again
      by ``make reinstall'' to upgrade it properly.
      If you really wish to overwrite the old port of www/plugger
      without deleting it first, set the variable "FORCE_PKG_REGISTER"
      in your environment or the "make install" command line.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/plugger.
*** Error code 1

Stop in /usr/ports/www/plugger-plugins-hubbe.
Comment 1 Pav Lucistnik freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2006-01-14 17:16:56 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed, thanks!