1. Support NLS. ``es'', ``it'' and ``en@quot'' versions of message catalogues are available. 2. Correct path in EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS. Fix: Apply following patch, How-To-Repeat: 1. Per reading cadaver page at http://www.webdav.org/cadaver/, it supports i18n again (for the record, i18n support was disabled in cadaver 0.18.0, released on 23 September 2001) It seems that cadaver at least supports message catalogues, so I would like to propose installing those files. Sample sessions: % cadaver http://webdav.example.com/dav/ Authentication required for DAV on server `webdav.example.com': Username: Terminated by signal 2. Connection to `webdav.example.com' closed. % env LANG=es cadaver http://webdav.example.com/dav/ Autenticaci'on requerida para DAV en el servidor 'webdav.example.com': Nombre de usuario: Terminado por se~nal 2. Conexi'on con 'webdav.example.com' cerrada. % env LANG=it cadaver http://webdav.example.com/dav/ Autenticazione richiesta per DAV sul server "webdav.example.com": Nome utente: Terminato dal segnale 2. Connessione a "webdav.example.com" chiusa. 2. Bundled library path has changed since cadaver-0.22.3 as follows: Before: $topdir/expat, $topdir/libneon, ... After: $topdir/lib/expat, $topdir/lib/neon, ... From 0.22.3, it also bundles gettext library ($topdir/lib/intl), we can exclude related files, too.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Awaiting maintainers feedback
On Friday 13 January 2006 10:04, Edwin Groothuis wrote: > Maintainer of www/cadaver, > > Please note that PR ports/91756 has just been submitted. > > If it contains a patch for an upgrade, an enhancement or a bug fix > you agree on, reply to this email stating that you approve the > patch and a committer will take care of it. > > The full text of the PR can be found at: > http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=ports/91756 This is fine although I'd like to get www/cadaver working again before any more patches are applied to the Makefile. I sent an email to your @freebsd.org address a few minutes ago. Once the BROKEN is removed and my one line patch committed this can go in without any objections on my end. -- Thanks, Josh Paetzel
State Changed From-To: feedback->open maitainer approver
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->vd I will take it
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!