update to 0.20-1 Fix: http://futurebsd.sourceforge.net/freebsd/ports/patch-cinepaint
I forgot to include to remove the files from the files directory --------------------------------- Yahoo! Photos Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars. Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->sem Take it.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Ask for maintainer fix.
Responsible Changed From-To: sem->ports-bugs Can't build with tinderbox. Sorry. May be somebody will more lucky.
Responsible Changed From-To: ports-bugs->freebsd-ports-bugs right spelling of responsible
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed Committed, thanks! You missed fltk dependency, a large chunks of plist were missing too, and .pc file went into incorrect directory.