MimeTeX, licensed under the gpl, lets you easily embed LaTeX math in your html pages. It parses a LaTeX math expression and immediately emits the corresponding gif image, rather than the usual TeX dvi. And mimeTeX is an entirely separate little program that doesn't use TeX or its fonts in any way. It's just one cgi that you put in your site's cgi-bin/ directory, with no other dependencies. It's easy to use. Just place an html <img> tag in your document wherever you want to see the corresponding LaTeX expression. Author: John Forkosh <john@forkosh.com> WWW: http://www.forkosh.com/mimetex.html Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.63
New shar archive: fix size mismatch, because the Author has in the meantime changed the package, without updating the version number.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->aaron Take.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Ask for submitter fix.
Ciao, Nicola! Puo` mandare ancora il shar? Il secondo era menomato in transito. Grazie!! -- Aaron Dalton aaron@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD Ports Committer
Ciao Aaron, > [Aaron Dalton, 2006-02-20T15:32:37-07:00] > Ciao, Nicola! Puo` mandare ancora il shar? Il secondo era menomato in > transito. Grazie!! Certamente. Se ci sono ancora problemi, puoi provare a scaricarlo direttamente da http://www.uploadready.com/v/6901350/mimetex.shar.html Grazie, ciao. -- Nicola Vitale nivit@email.it
State Changed From-To: feedback->open Fix received. Grazie!
State Changed From-To: open->closed New port added. Thanks!