In socat, there is a bug when using libwrap and the following two patches fixes it. The author of socat has been informed at Feb 5 2006, so versions after that date should be fixed. However until there is a new version of socat, we can have it fixed too. If you want to repeat the problem, you can try to put something like socat : [::1] : allow ALL : ALL : deny in /etc/hosts.allow, call socat tcp6-listen:8080,fork,reuseaddr,tcpwrap tcp4:localhost:80 and test telnet localhost 8080, how well it does or does not work. ---------- CUT HERE - BEGIN: patch-xio-listen.c ---------- --- xio-listen.c.orig Sun Feb 5 20:28:10 2006 +++ xio-listen.c Sun Feb 5 20:28:45 2006 @@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ &ri, xfd->fd, &la->soa, pa, libwrapname); request_init(&ri, RQ_FILE, xfd->fd, RQ_CLIENT_SIN, &la->soa, RQ_SERVER_SIN, pa, RQ_DAEMON, libwrapname, 0); + sock_methods(&ri); Debug("request_init() ->"); Debug1("hosts_access(%p)", &ri); ---------- CUT HERE - END: patch-xio-listen.c ---------- ---------- CUT HERE - BEGIN: patch-xio-udp.c ---------- --- xio-udp.c.orig Sun Feb 5 20:28:16 2006 +++ xio-udp.c Sun Feb 5 20:28:56 2006 @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ &ri, fd->stream.fd, &la->soa, them, libwrapname); request_init(&ri, RQ_FILE, fd->stream.fd, RQ_CLIENT_SIN, &la->soa, RQ_SERVER_SIN, them, RQ_DAEMON, libwrapname, 0); + sock_methods(&ri); Debug("request_init() ->"); Debug1("hosts_access(%p)", &ri); ---------- CUT HERE - END: patch-xio-udp.c ----------
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