Since two weeks slib has been updated twice (3a2 and 3a3). Both these two version bloks the execution of gnucash. Gnucash works with slib 3a1_2 only.
Same problem, here's the error: $ gnucash ERROR: Unbound variable: with-load-pathname
Note that as a quick fix you can install sysutils/portdowngrade and issue: "portdowngrade slib", choose "lang/slib" and checkout the 3a1_2 version of the port (2005/12/05); then portupgrade -f slib.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->lawrance Take it, since I think I'm almost at a solution that will work for gnucash and related problems (ports/93216, ports/93066).
State Changed From-To: open->closed A fix was committed. Please note that gnucash is still broken from some other libtool issues. It may not work correctly yet.