New port: graphics/autopano-sift Automatic panorama control point generation tool for use with hugin. Note to committer: It is intentional that I am using a different MAINTAINER email address as it is unlikely I will have much time to continue to work on this. He has offered to do so, instead.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->tmclaugh Uses mono. <grin>
I'm still taking a look at this. There were some problems with the installation such as the port building but installing the precompiled binaries that come in the tarball. I'm also trying to sort out the license issues present with the port. For instance, can our (US) mirrors carry the distfile?
I talked this over with a few ports committers on IRC and we felt this port should be marked as RESTRICTED so the distfile is not mirrored due to the US patent concerns and how it affects redistribution of the distfile. The port will also be marked as NO_PACKAGE because of a) the patent concerns again and b) because we can't package a GPL application and not make the distfile available on our mirrors. I'll need to add a note to LEGAL as well.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback
Alright, here's an updated patch. Also, the correct binaries were being installed. That was my mistake when I first looked at the port. Can someone tell me though why the port wasn't submitted by the person listed as the Maintainer? I need their okay to the attached patch before I commit this. Thanks. Tom
State Changed From-To: feedback->closed (Received okay from maintainer via private email) Sorry guys, I've been a little dsitraced from FreeBSD lately so thanks for the prodding. Port has been committed.