Bug 96019 - [patch] comms/gammu: update to new release version 1.05.00
Summary: [patch] comms/gammu: update to new release version 1.05.00
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-ports-bugs (Nobody)
Depends on:
Reported: 2006-04-18 21:00 UTC by Boris B.Samorodov
Modified: 2006-04-20 07:25 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:


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Description Boris B.Samorodov 2006-04-18 21:00:35 UTC
	A new release 1.05.00 of comms/gammu is out.
	Changes since 1.04.0:

20060312 - 1.05.00
* new functionality:
  * getting Siemens OTA sequences in SMS + decoding VCARDS
  * 3220b ID                                                      (Dan Lizotte)
  * taken current DKU2 drivers from gnokii

* fixes and improvements:
  * * better discovering Bluetooth services                      (Michal Cihar)

Like you know www.gammu.net is currently unavailable. For support please
use mailing list.

20060222 - 1.04.11
* new functionality:
  * 5140i ID

* fixes and improvements:
  * some changes in location of Nokia files
  * * do not even try to use alcatel connection for others       (Michal Cihar)
    * drop some not needed local variables
    * pass whole debug info to output functions
    * correctly handle messages with new lines inside
    * wrong pointers have been passed in some functions, so pointer value
      was shown instead of text
    * SE phones return error while deleting empty entry, so treat this as okay
  * SMS for 6510 driver

20060205 - 1.04.07
* new functionality:
  * * alcatel                                                    (Michal Cihar)
      * created generic function for string encoding
      * support writing unicode strings
      * new command line parameter for adding category
    * support for ISO texts with Smart Messaging images
  * started work on Series 40 3.0 phonebook. Somebody with Nokia 6111
    (or other compatible) required. Getting entries should work, but
    for testing

* fixes and improvements:
  * * update for Czech operator name                             (Michal Cihar)
    * removed some leaks in config file parser
    * better informing about error after SMS sending in AT module
    * few signed/unsigned issues less
    * removed unused code with logging code
    * fix for parsing phone numbers in at code
    * alcatel:
      * improved error codes for some situations
      * fixed handling large texts
      * added correct limits for text fields
      * current alcatel phones support longer categories texts
  * entries in Nokia pbk can be longer than 256 chars             (Igor Timkin)
  * updated 216-30 network name                                 (Gabor Z. Papp)
  * Gentoo updates                                                (Alin Nastac)
  * corrected help for --send/savesms RINGTONE

Fix: The patch is relative to the port:
	# cd /usr/ports/comms
	# patch -p0 < _the_patch_
	<delete gammu/*.orig files>

Content-Type: text/plain; name="file.diff"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="file.diff"

diff -ruN gammu.orig/Makefile gammu/Makefile
--- gammu.orig/Makefile	Tue Apr 18 23:08:24 2006
+++ gammu/Makefile	Tue Apr 18 23:11:45 2006
@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@
 PORTNAME=	gammu
 MASTER_SITES=	http://www.mwiacek.com/zips/gsm/gammu/stable/1_0x/
diff -ruN gammu.orig/distinfo gammu/distinfo
--- gammu.orig/distinfo	Tue Apr 18 23:08:24 2006
+++ gammu/distinfo	Tue Apr 18 23:12:24 2006
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (gammu-1.04.0.tar.gz) = 6c9b4428961eedc983e2925e364321d3
-SHA256 (gammu-1.04.0.tar.gz) = 383caa0633d32b28b7531856ace64e24d03ca217d41e606cf67f9c1432787067
-SIZE (gammu-1.04.0.tar.gz) = 929495
+MD5 (gammu-1.05.00.tar.gz) = d63df5146f6bbe27b758e874d28423d7
+SHA256 (gammu-1.05.00.tar.gz) = da95d899bd610b367457c631c91bf2f018da3fa0dc51fad98093e81dbe6bd6b6
+SIZE (gammu-1.05.00.tar.gz) = 1017137
diff -ruN gammu.orig/pkg-plist gammu/pkg-plist
--- gammu.orig/pkg-plist	Tue Apr 18 23:08:24 2006
+++ gammu/pkg-plist	Tue Apr 18 23:24:04 2006
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@
@@ -92,8 +92,9 @@
 @dirrm include/gammu/phone/symbian
 @dirrm include/gammu/phone/obex
 @dirrm include/gammu/phone/nokia/dct3
-@dirrm include/gammu/phone/nokia/dct4/6510
-@dirrm include/gammu/phone/nokia/dct4
+@dirrm include/gammu/phone/nokia/dct4tiku/6510
+@dirrm include/gammu/phone/nokia/dct4tiku
+@dirrm include/gammu/phone/nokia/wd2
 @dirrm include/gammu/phone/nokia
 @dirrm include/gammu/phone/at
 @dirrm include/gammu/phone/alcatel
Comment 1 Sergey Matveychuk freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2006-04-20 07:25:43 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Committed. Thanks!