Thanks to Kris Kennaway for reporting and diagnosting this problem. oolite source includes <stdint.h>, but 4.X is not POSIX-compliant in regard to this header - it is not present. using <inttypes.h> on all versions of FreeBSD should correct this problem, because inttypes.h actually declares a superset of stdint.h declarations. please add the attached patch to files/ sub-directory of this port. P.S. incluing stdint.h versus inttypes.h conditionally, based on __FreeBSD_version, does not make any sense because sys/param.h which defines __FreeBSD_version is a superset of both mentioned headers. Fix: please add the attached patch to files/ sub-directory of this port. How-To-Repeat: try to build this port on supported 4.X system (e.g. 4.11)
Class Changed From-To: sw-bug->maintainer-update Fix category (submitter is maintainer)
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->dinoex I will take care of it.
State Changed From-To: open->closed committed, thanks.