PR/96244 proposed to use the new favor NO_* and committed. However, this only applied to FreeBSD after Dec 21, 2004, when NO* -> NO_* conversion happens, was added. For those 4.x, 5.x users, graphics/png will build a profiled library libpng_p.a, so the pkg-plist is incomplete. In these versions, still uses NOPROFILE, not NO_PROFILE, for example. Port maintainer ( is cc'd. Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.63 Fix: Set NO* or NO_* based on __FreeEBSD_version__. However, there is no version for this conversion. So I choose the closed one, 600008, which happend on Jan 25, 2005 (about one month later). Tested on 4.11-RELEASE (492000), 5.5-PRERELEASE (504104), and 6.0-RELEASE (600034). Also, make portlint(1) happy about PATCH_SITES.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->ache Over to maintainer
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed