COBF is a C/C++ code obfuscator useful for projects that want to release cross-platform packages which are partially closed source. An example is src/sys/dev/ce/tau32-ddk.c. Fix: The port is available at: Please note: the 'copyright.txt' disallows patching the sourcecode without explicit permission from the author. Binary packages are not permitted without shipping the source. I contacted the author of COBF (emails available per request) and we are allowed to patch 'src/cpp/makefile' (see 'files/patch-makefile'). He also permits us shipping binary-only packages (because users can obtain the source with 'make fetch' anyway). How-To-Repeat: n/a
Class Changed From-To: sw-bug->change-request Fix category (new ports should be change-requests)
State Changed From-To: open->closed New port added, thank you!