kdm's 'Turn Off Computer' button halts the machine, but does not power down. There was a time (before portupgrade) when this bug seemed only a minor anoyance. But with the magic of 'portupgrade -a', and the increasing age of my brain, I now get burned every time the kdebase port changes. Fix: The fix would appear to be trivial: How-To-Repeat: run kdm (on laptop) press 'Turn Off Computer' unplug power cord board airplane deplane to find dead battery
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->kde Over to maintainer
It certainly makes sense to change the default to -p - you can however adjust the reboot/halt commands through the KDE Control Center (Login Manager), and these settings will persist through portupgrades as well.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Fixed, thanks for reporting!
> It certainly makes sense to change the default to -p - you can > however adjust the reboot/halt commands through the KDE Control > Center (Login Manager), and these settings will persist through > portupgrades as well. Not so. Unfortunately, changes to kdmrc do not persist through portupgrades. They are overritten by genkdmconf every time kdebase is updated. brad
Yes, they do. genkdmconf parses the existing configuration and keeps modifications intact or translates them to the new format if the configuration file layout has changed.
> Yes, they do. genkdmconf parses the existing configuration and keeps > modifications intact or translates them to the new format if the > configuration file layout has changed. Well, I know that's what it's supposed to do. But ever since I first started using portupgrade and kde (a few years ago), I've found myself reediting my kdmrc file a couple times every year because something has overwritten the 'shutdown -p now' command. The most recent insident was just a few weeks ago. brad
The ports haven't been overwriting kdmrc for a good while now, and certainly not as recent as a few weeks ago. I myself have been carrying over a customized kdmrc since at least KDE 3.4 (which is also why I managed to continually miss the fact that the default HALT_CMD was still shutdown -h).
> The ports haven't been overwriting kdmrc for a good while now, and certainly > not as recent as a few weeks ago. I myself have been carrying over a > customized kdmrc since at least KDE 3.4 (which is also why I managed to > continually miss the fact that the default HALT_CMD was still shutdown -h). Ok, I probably fat fingered something somewhere. I keep such files RCSed, perhaps I forgot to check in the shutdown -p change and subsequently lost it. thanx, brad