/stand/zcat foo.gz uncompressed original file to foo. (i.e. same as gunzip -d foo.gz) Fix: Implement minigzip -c option. How-To-Repeat: ln -s /usr/bin/minigzip zcat zcat foo.gz
Having stumbled across this, I thought it was a great idea.. and upon noticing that it was a rather old PR, decided to make it a little less stale. The patch that follows applies to -CURRENT from anoncvs.freebsd.org as of Sunday, June 9, ~10:30 EDT. cd /usr/src/usr.bin/minigzip patch < path/to/minigzip.stdout.fbsd5.patch - Jonathan Towne
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->johan I will have a look at this.
State Changed From-To: open->patched Similar patch based on this patch has been committed to current. Thanks for the submission.
State Changed From-To: patched->closed MFC:ed to -stable.