Bug 14234 - update audio/rosegarden to 2.1pl2
Summary: update audio/rosegarden to 2.1pl2
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: cpiazza
Depends on:
Reported: 1999-10-09 15:40 UTC by Juergen Lock
Modified: 1999-10-10 23:24 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

file.diff (5.86 KB, patch)
1999-10-09 15:40 UTC, Juergen Lock
no flags Details | Diff

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Description Juergen Lock 1999-10-09 15:40:01 UTC
 From the CHANGES file:

Changes from Rosegarden 2.1 to Rosegarden 2.1pl2

One new feature:

  * There is now an option on the Stave menu to mark a staff
    for percussion use, and an option to choose which channel is
    used for percussion; any staff marked for percussion will be
    exported on this channel (and no other staff will be).  To keep
    the file format back-compatible, none of the information on
    percussion staffs is written to .rose files.  You'll have to
    re-enter it each time you use the program.  I'm sorry about
    that; all I can say in my defence is that the .rose format was
    always rubbish anyway.  Although admittedly that's my fault too.

Bug fixes:

  * A fix to a sometimes-reported crashing bug when exporting large
    MIDI files.  This fix is due to John Michael Floyd.  I don't know
    whether it works or not, because I never had this problem in the
    first place.

  * A small fix to correct some pitches when writing chords to PMX.

  * A patch from Karin Berkemer fixing a problem in .rose file import
    for files with many time-signatures.  This slows down loading
    by quite a bit, but it should still be bearable.  See IO.c:850.
  * A debugging fprintf has been removed from Mapper_SGI.c, at
    Tobias Kunze's request.  His patch to turn all the .mid file
    extensions into .midi for SGI users has not been included, though.

  * Modifications to the configure and Mapper code to support OSS
    on FreeBSD have been added, though I understand there are still
    incompatibility problems.


Move Petal.so back into ${PREFIX}/lib/rosegarden/petal, it needs
to be in the same dir with Petal.tcl and be passed to pkg_mkIndex
or it won't be autoloaded and the petal stuff won't find its
petalInitInternals (as well as the other) command(s).  Install a
wrapper script that adds the dir to TCLLIBPATH so you don't have
to edit your .profile because of this...

Fixes for the FreeBSD sound system, midi playback while recording
works now.

Fix: Changed files:
	Makefile, files/md5,
	patches/patch-aa, patches/patch-ad, patches/patch-ak, pkg/PLIST

New files:
	files/rosegarden, patches/patch-al
Comment 1 cpiazza freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 1999-10-09 19:25:48 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports->cpiazza

I'll take this 
Comment 2 cpiazza freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 1999-10-10 23:24:36 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

ommitted, thanks!