says FreeBSD can be downloaded over the Internet for free, using a variety of different protocols (FTP, CVS, AFS, and more). If bandwidth is expensive for you then it can also be purchased on CDROM from a variety of vendors. For more information, please see the Handbook Chapter on obtaining FreeBSD. Where the last part is a link to the Handbook _Appendix_ on where to obtain FreeBSD. Dropping someone into this page without context may lead to questions like "Which distfiles do I need to download." or "After 20 hours of work, I downloaded the distfiles I think I need, now how do I install them?" I think it would be better to change this to a link to the chapter on Installing FreeBSD. Fix: In availability.html: 1) Change the displayed text of the link from "Handbook Chapter on obtaining FreeBSD" to "Handbook Chapter on Installing FreeBSD". 2) Change the link to point to handbook/install.html How-To-Repeat: View and click on the "Handbook Chapter on obtaining FreeBSD" link. Note that the resulting page explains WHERE to get FreeBSD, but not HOW one should go about getting it most efficiently.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->freebsd-doc The -doc people can decide what to do with this.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!