finger only displays a single match (the first one in the passwd file) for any partial name query, i.e. fingering last names or first names. Previously it would show all matching accounts. Fix: Have not tried to make a patch yet. From doing a quick diff between the 4.1-R and 4.1-S versions it appears to be related to the finger.conf changes in finger.c, in the general vicinity of line 300. How-To-Repeat: Create 10 accounts on a machine with "Smith" as the user's last name, then "finger smith". On 4.1-STABLE, only the first match in the passwd file will be shown. On 4.1-RELEASE, all 10 will be shown.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->brian Confirmed on 5.0-CURRENT (development branch). Brian, the originator suspects that this has to do with the newly-introduced finger.conf support. Could you check it out?
State Changed From-To: open->closed Fixed in -current. I'll MFC in three days assuming no problems.