I found and fixed a very nasty and serious bug in emulators/open-vm-tools and emulators/open-vm-tools-nox11. The bug makes vmtoolsd (vmware-guestd) crash whenever credentials are being passed to some commands from the host. This produces a state where the host system only logs (after some time waiting for the command response): "I125: GuestRpcSendTimedOut: message to toolbox timed out." "I125: GuestRpcSendTimedOut: message to toolbox timed out." "I125: GuestRpcSendTimedOut: message to toolbox timed out." ... Details in "Calling createTempfileInGuest twice crashes vmtoolsd (FreeBSD)" https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/issues/236 The fix is in pull request https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/pull/238 in three files (https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/pull/238/files) Until it's committed and a new version released, it might be useful to add a few files in the port (as I said, this is a serious bug) and this is distributed in the official VMware vagrant images for FreeBSD, making them useless for provisioning. Please, if you have the chance, by all means add the patch to the port.
VMware will be providing a patch for this later today. It's functionally the same as what has been presented here.
A commit references this bug: Author: jpaetzel Date: Sat Mar 10 22:56:54 UTC 2018 New revision: 464095 URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/464095 Log: Fix bug that causes crashes when running commands from the host PR: 226478 Submitted by: german.mb@gmail.com Reviewed by: John Wolfe <jwolfe@vmware.com> Changes: head/emulators/open-vm-tools/Makefile head/emulators/open-vm-tools/files/patch-lib_auth_authPosix.c head/emulators/open-vm-tools/files/patch-lib_file_fileTempPosix.c head/emulators/open-vm-tools/files/patch-services_plugins_vix_vixTools.c
Fixes committed, thanks!