Bug 237788 - graphics/py-geopandas: update to 0.5.0
Summary: graphics/py-geopandas: update to 0.5.0
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: Steve Wills
Keywords: easy, patch-ready
Depends on:
Reported: 2019-05-08 06:04 UTC by Loïc Bartoletti
Modified: 2019-05-09 15:11 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

py-geopandas 0.5.0 (912 bytes, patch)
2019-05-08 06:04 UTC, Loïc Bartoletti
lbartoletti: maintainer-approval+
Details | Diff

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Description Loïc Bartoletti freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-05-08 06:04:35 UTC
Created attachment 204261 [details]
py-geopandas 0.5.0

GeoPandas 0.5.0 includes some improvements for writing files with fiona (better performance, better support for data types and mixed geometry types), along with many other new features and bug fixes, see the full list below.


Significant performance improvement (around 10x) for GeoDataFrame.iterfeatures,
which also improves GeoDataFrame.to_file (#864).
File IO enhancements based on Fiona 1.8:
Support for writing bool dtype (#855) and datetime dtype, if the file format supports it (#728).
Support for writing dataframes with multiple geometry types, if the file format allows it (e.g. GeoJSON for all types, or ESRI Shapefile for Polygon+MultiPolygon) (#827, #867, #870).
Compatibility with pyproj >= 2 (#962).
A new geopandas.points_from_xy() helper function to convert x and y coordinates to Point objects (#896).
The buffer and interpolate methods now accept an array-like to specify a variable distance for each geometry (#781).
Addition of a relate method, corresponding to the shapely method that returns the DE-9IM matrix (#853).
Plotting improvements:
Performance improvement in plotting by only flattening the geometries if there are actually 'Multi' geometries (#785).
Choropleths: access to all mapclassify classification schemes and addition of the classification_kwds keyword in the plot method to specify options for the scheme (#876).
Ability to specify a matplotlib axes object on which to plot the color bar with the cax keyword, in order to have more control over the color bar placement (#894).
Changed the default provider in geopandas.tools.geocode from Google (now requires an API key) to Geocode.Farm (#907, #975).
Bug fixes:

Remove the edge in the legend marker (#807).
Fix the align method to preserve the CRS (#829).
Fix geopandas.testing.assert_geodataframe_equal to correctly compare left and right dataframes (#810).
Fix in choropleth mapping when the values contain missing values (#877).
Better error message in sjoin if the input is not a GeoDataFrame (#842).
Fix in read_postgis to handle nullable (missing) geometries (#856).
Correctly passing through the parse_dates keyword in read_postgis to the underlying pandas method (#860).
Fixed the shape of Antarctica in the included demo dataset 'naturalearth_lowres'
(by updating to the latest version) (#804).


Poudriere 11/12 amd64/i386 OK
Comment 1 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-05-09 15:08:59 UTC
A commit references this bug:

Author: swills
Date: Thu May  9 15:08:15 UTC 2019
New revision: 501107
URL: https://svnweb.freebsd.org/changeset/ports/501107

  graphics/py-geopandas: update to 0.5.0

  PR:		237788
  Submitted by:	lbartoletti <lbartoletti@tuxfamily.org> (maintainer)

Comment 2 Steve Wills freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2019-05-09 15:11:09 UTC
Committed, thanks!