FreeBSD doesn't support the greek locale and it doesn't provide either the necessary keymap files for the syscons driver, nor the ISO-8859-7 fonts. Therefore, one cannot read or write greek text in the console, or use the familiar locale settings for most greek users. Fix: The necessary files are included here. The directories colldef, mklocale & timedef contain the locale files. The directory consolefonts contains the ISO_8859-7 fonts for the sizes 8x8, 8x14, 8x16. The directory keytables contains the necessary keymaps to provide the ability to write greek text in the console (courtesy of There are keymaps for standard PC keyboards (greek.us101.acc.kbd) and keyboards following the ELOT-1000 greek standard (greek.elot.acc.kbd). If it is necessary, I will submit patches to the necessary Makefiles in a followup-PR. This is the uuencoded attachment. How-To-Repeat: Try to read or write greek text in the console. Try to view the date in Greek using date(1) after having set the environment variable LC_ALL=el_GR.ISO_8859-7.
I forgot to send the colldef/map.ISO_8859-7 with the original PR. Here it is. begin 644 map.ISO_8859-7.gz M'XL("*W(93H``VUA<"Y)4T]?.#@U.2TW`!W367/<1!3%\??_I\`/U"2A3+3- MJ$694+-Y2>SQQ/(24[RHM8#9#"3.]NGI<YY^=:66;M_3TN[FFU\^9QGMJ<QI MW\F"K2W97LN*[5LY9_E&+EB=RYI5*P.G7M=P?BP[;EU'CEWWK*_D0'LI1]HS M.;'1>_*,32YS-H4LV)2R9%/)BIWZYG/:>[E@NY(UZYT,;"]D0^OK'=NU3/VU MO[SGQ`Y<V9$;.]'NDT7&+LK43_LK*I8?DE7&T;/D//+RI>QY_DH.S.S([""Y MR'@FZ\B![3EX+M.ZG^3(1GG4$_ME,F2<JD_(62GW4+"S)6>:)Z1YE4M(\WI] MFE?[#36G-N7]6C;<NN[8;V1DK_,,/5?*-Z2\E6=(>2O/D/)6+DW&7GDW.7O= M;PJN]9ZF9.W[%1=W,O4_D:F_K6F]+G#B=2EOV[%6OR;2:LZFY]+7!_8ZEV9D MZ7IBI^>[C&8F<V:-+-@/,LV_E14;KYNSTGEV"UI?KYG](`/K1]FP4PY=Q]&1 MC.R4:]=S>"@';K^5(X?:1Y?FUQPQXSO=CSF%^L2"TI;,M*]8,=-S,7WO=L'W M>C[6;%T'[FW#F>UXI>\A1BY=]^3*-0[<N!ZYLQ,/.H<^8_E"IO.W!2<V?7\V M_6]VSL]VP;U-YV\#9[;AC>TXMY$+V[.S`VL[<FG3]R>'C"N;\_%'6="Z+KFV M%3=VSK%=\,[6O+6!.]OPVJ;_W48ZS3GTC';@BQUYL!-/FG_,Z+1^S(FVX%=; M,MB*T<[Y:A=\L36_V<"#;?C#=OQI(W_9GK_M0&]''NW$/W+*^,_FO'@O"]Z[ M+OE@*Y[LG,DN^&QK_K6!3[;A=]OQT48>->?4\V0'/MF1X:N<^!\Z.;8]<`4` !`/E@ ` end -past
State Changed From-To: open->analyzed Commited to -current
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->phantom MFC reminder
State Changed From-To: analyzed->closed MFCed. Thanks!