PORT-FIX-MAINTAINER TIMEOUT : misc/estic According to : http://people.freebsd.org/~fenner/portsurvey/bad.html the FreeBSD port misc/estic has an unfetchable distfile. After doing some looking around I found that the directory had moved. I've put together a simple patch to fix this, at : http://www.randomnetworks.com/freebsd/prs/estic.diff I appears that there are newer versions of this software, I have not made any attempt to update the port to use them though. ** NOTE ** I sent the above in an email to maintainer, jhs@freebsd.org, on 7 Jan 2001 and I have yet to recieve a response. Fix: This diff was generated by : diff -ruN estic estic.new From : /usr/ports/misc Also at : http://www.randomnetworks.com/freebsd/prs/estic.diff ----------------------------------------------------------------
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks