Bug 247510 - sys.net.if_lagg_test.status_stress panics kernel on i386
Summary: sys.net.if_lagg_test.status_stress panics kernel on i386
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Base System
Classification: Unclassified
Component: tests (show other bugs)
Version: CURRENT
Hardware: i386 Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: freebsd-testing (Nobody)
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Reported: 2020-06-23 19:42 UTC by Li-Wen Hsu
Modified: 2024-06-24 18:08 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Description Li-Wen Hsu freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2020-06-23 19:42:08 UTC

Fatal trap 12: page fault while in kernel mode
cpuid = 1; apic id = 01
fault virtual address   = 0xdeadc0de
fault code              = supervisor read data, page not present
instruction pointer     = 0x20:0x10c3b51
stack pointer           = 0x28:0x33e9f80c
frame pointer           = 0x28:0x33e9f818
code segment            = base rx0, limit 0xfffff, type 0x1b
                        = DPL 0, pres 1, def32 1, gran 1
processor eflags        = interrupt enabled, resume, IOPL = 0
current process         = 68179 (ifconfig)
trap number             = 12
panic: page fault
cpuid = 1
time = 1592909408
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(69,1c7a6800,14532a0,1c7a6800,33e9f624,...) at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x2a/frame 0x33e9f5f0
kdb_backtrace(1,33e9f7cc,33e9f7cc,c,0,...) at kdb_backtrace+0x2e/frame 0x33e9f650
vpanic(14532a0,33e9f68c,33e9f68c,33e9f6c0,1408d47,...) at vpanic+0x11f/frame 0x33e9f66c
panic(14532a0,14e2c3e,1,c,deadc0de,...) at panic+0x14/frame 0x33e9f680
trap_fatal(89c2000,33e9f7cc,b7e1740,b9f5040,b9f65c0,...) at trap_fatal+0x357/frame 0x33e9f6c0
trap_pfault(deadc0de,0,0) at trap_pfault+0x72/frame 0x33e9f6f4
trap(33e9f7cc,8,28,28,4,...) at trap+0x3a0/frame 0x33e9f7c0
calltrap() at 0xffc0319f/frame 0x33e9f7c0
--- trap 0xc, eip = 0x10c3b51, esp = 0x33e9f80c, ebp = 0x33e9f818 ---
ifmedia_ioctl(2d75f400,33e9fa30,2d700c58,c0286938,33e9f858,...) at ifmedia_ioctl+0x171/frame 0x33e9f818
lagg_ioctl(2d75f400,c0286938,33e9fa30) at lagg_ioctl+0x365/frame 0x33e9f8d4
ifhwioctl(c0286938,2d75f400,33e9fa30,300ba740,2b9c5f8,...) at ifhwioctl+0x210/frame 0x33e9f930
ifioctl(254d0220,c0286938,33e9fa30,300ba740,1ab4204) at ifioctl+0x5bf/frame 0x33e9f9b4
soo_ioctl(2ed7d21c,c0286938,33e9fa30,b70cc00,300ba740,...) at soo_ioctl+0x178/frame 0x33e9f9dc
kern_ioctl(300ba740,3,c0286938,33e9fa30) at kern_ioctl+0x24e/frame 0x33e9fa10
sys_ioctl(300ba740,300ba9d8,33e9fb9c,300ba740,300ba9d0,...) at sys_ioctl+0xd4/frame 0x33e9fac8
syscall(33e9fba8,3b,3b,3b,ffffffff,...) at syscall+0x60c/frame 0x33e9fb9c
Xint0x80_syscall() at 0xffc033f9/frame 0x33e9fb9c
--- syscall (54, FreeBSD ELF32, sys_ioctl), eip = 0xffc012e8, esp = 0xffc0afe8, ebp = 0xffbfe514 ---
Comment 1 Mark Johnston freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-06-24 18:08:39 UTC
I suspect this is fixed by https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/src/commit/?id=02cbf9ebf110c94ec9e60f0801716ff0a75e55e5