The net/ipcheck distfile is not version-numbered (""). The author of the software recently updated the file, it seems, and the checksum fails. Fix: Workaround: # make install clean MASTER_SITE_OVERRIDE= or # make install clean NO_CHECKSUM=yes Fix: Again, this is more like a workaround. I have tried the new version, but we could just switch to version 0.88. I don't know how to deal with this issue. I haven't contacted the author of the software. The file does not seem to be registered on sourceforge's cvs. # diff -u Makefile.orig Makefile How-To-Repeat: shall# cd /usr/ports/net/ipcheck/ mashall# make install clean
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->lioux I'm the maintainer.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!