While trying to build www/mozilla, the build failed. It was trying to build a dependancy (graphics/libmng), but couldn't. It appears that graphics/libmng depends on graphics/lcms, and the libmng port does define that dependancy, but when the dependencies are followed from the mozilla build, it doesn't appear to pick up the fact that lcms is also needed. Fix: Not a fix, but a workaround, build graphics/lcms first, then do the mozilla build. How-To-Repeat: On a system that does not have graphics/lcms or graphics/libmng installed, cd /usr/ports/www/mozilla and type "make". You will note that it correctly detects that it needs to go build graphics/libmng, and it proceeds to do so, but the build of libmng does not correctly detect that it needs graphics/lcms, so it fails.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->gnome over to maintainer
State Changed From-To: open->closed Fixed. graphics/libmng had some very odd LIB_DEPENDS. Thanks for the report.