Bug 276564 - security/bcrypt: Deprecate port
Summary: security/bcrypt: Deprecate port
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: Emanuel Haupt
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-01-23 19:09 UTC by Daniel Engberg
Modified: 2024-06-02 10:57 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
bugzilla: maintainer-feedback? (ehaupt)


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Description Daniel Engberg freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-01-23 19:09:57 UTC
Hasn't seen development in a very long time and security can be discussed. Retire and point users to security/age ? There's also https://github.com/str4d/rage but it's not ported yet.
Comment 1 Emanuel Haupt freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-01-27 11:25:01 UTC
I'm looking into it.
Comment 2 Emanuel Haupt freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-01-27 15:23:06 UTC
While it's true that bcrypt hasn't seen significant updates recently, it's still a widely used and referenced tool in many publications and howtos. Its stability and familiarity make it a valuable asset in the ports tree.

I've taken note of the suggestion to point users towards security/age. Additionally, I've just added a new port for https://github.com/str4d/rage, now available under security/rust-rage. This offers an alternative for those seeking more actively developed solutions.

However, considering the current usage and the lack of a widespread move towards deprecating bcrypt across various repositories (as seen on portscout.org), I recommend keeping bcrypt in the FreeBSD ports for the time being. This approach ensures support for users and systems still dependent on bcrypt, while also providing options for those looking to transition to newer tools like rust-rage or age.
Comment 3 Daniel Engberg freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-01-27 15:39:20 UTC

Thanks for looking into it!

I guess you meant repology instead of portscout?

If we look at "larger" distros that don't carry it:
Alpine, Arch, Debian 11 or newer, Gentoo, OpenBSD, OpenSUSE, Ubuntu 20 or newer

The only (recent) distro that still carries is Fedora so I think this can be safely set to something like end of 2024Q2 if you want to keep it in for that period of time?

Best regards,
Comment 4 Emanuel Haupt freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-01-27 15:54:41 UTC
(In reply to Daniel Engberg from comment #3)
Of course you're right, I meant repology.org.

My stance remains that unless there are identified security issues directly associated with bcrypt, it would be beneficial to keep it in the FreeBSD ports for now. Its stability, documentation in numerous guides and resources, and user familiarity are significant factors. These aspects, combined with the fact that there isn't an active movement to deprecate it due to security vulnerabilities, support its continued presence in the ports.
Comment 6 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-06-02 10:57:06 UTC
A commit in branch main references this bug:

URL: https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/ports/commit/?id=559b574607a969d99ef4aa1d2f3ce464a8f15950

commit 559b574607a969d99ef4aa1d2f3ce464a8f15950
Author:     Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@FreeBSD.org>
AuthorDate: 2024-06-02 10:56:04 +0000
Commit:     Emanuel Haupt <ehaupt@FreeBSD.org>
CommitDate: 2024-06-02 10:56:04 +0000

    security/bcrypt: Deprecate port

    Hasn't seen updates in 15 years, insecure Blowfish ECB mode,
    unauthenticated encryption.


    PR:             276564
    Reported by:    diizzy

 security/bcrypt/Makefile | 5 ++++-
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
Comment 7 Emanuel Haupt freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-06-02 10:57:32 UTC
Fair enough, I guess it's time to deprecate this. Thanks.