Bug 280012 - devel/pycharm-ce: update to 2024.1.4
Summary: devel/pycharm-ce: update to 2024.1.4
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Only Me
Assignee: Torsten Zuehlsdorff
URL: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/articl...
Depends on:
Reported: 2024-06-27 01:17 UTC by Jonathan Chen
Modified: 2024-07-08 12:14 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

update to 2024.1.4 (2.36 KB, patch)
2024-06-27 01:17 UTC, Jonathan Chen
jonc: maintainer-approval+
Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jonathan Chen 2024-06-27 01:17:06 UTC
Created attachment 251717 [details]
update to 2024.1.4

Update to 2024.1.4
Comment 1 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-07-08 08:42:57 UTC
A commit in branch main references this bug:

URL: https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/ports/commit/?id=3d8208ae11ed1b38d081624c58a4f52783face1c

commit 3d8208ae11ed1b38d081624c58a4f52783face1c
Author:     Torsten Zuehlsdorff <tz@FreeBSD.org>
AuthorDate: 2024-07-08 08:34:38 +0000
Commit:     Torsten Zuehlsdorff <tz@FreeBSD.org>
CommitDate: 2024-07-08 08:41:41 +0000

    devel/pycharm-ce: Upgrade from 2024.1.3 to 2024.1.4


      * Can't debug a multiprocess script in PyCharm
      * Run Django providers only if Django facet is enabled
      * Fix Django detection
      * django-stubs breaks code completion
      * Inlay actions for FastApi, Flask and Django URLs
      * Implement 'Go to parent context' (back to usages) gutter and code vision actions for all non-root elements of web frameworks (Flask/FastAPI/Django)
      * PyCharm doesn't start after disabling Endpoints plugin
      * Wrong type of SQLAlchemy 2.0 attributes declared using Mapped
      * Cannot add interpreter with the widget if Markdown/rst file preview is opened in the editor
      * Ant: Cannot build artifact using 2024.1
      * Update SDK in IDEA to 1.1.181286
      * Database sessions's "Filter rows" is hiding unsubmitted changes
      * Duplicated items when creating / dropping object in non default schema with disabled auto sync
      * Introspection of a family misses newly created tables
      * Unable to attach script to database session
      * Dump tools in container: notify user when dump is finished
      * Dump tools in container: file template resets on path selection
      * Dump tools in container: path to dump by default set to local file system
      * Dump tools in container: can't restore from mysql dump file inside container filesystem
      * Dump tools in container: passwords are not passed to dump tools
      * Use the same wording for dump / restore tools context menu
      * Dump tools use invalid port when executable is in docker container
      * MongoDB: Incorrect stub generation for files with more than one PsiFile
      * Playwright tests are not running on WSL and Docker
      * Getting types from TS Server blocks typing
      * Code Style setting for colon between property name and value doesn't work in Vue component
      * CSS class auto-completion for Tailwind does not work when using a remote Node.js interpreter (Docker/ssh)
      * Inspections do not re-evaluate/refresh during editing
      * File Templates children are not loaded after IDE restart
      * Cancellation causes "Too complex" message
      * Cannot update plugin from welcome screen: " Write-unsafe context! Model changes are allowed from write-safe contexts only"
      * 2024.1 RC: "Write access is allowed inside write-action only" when trying to start run config
      * Try Ultimate: get rid of Start Trial confirmation dialog
      * IDE cannot load inspection profile settings for inspections
      * Kubernetes: on reload content from cluster with button in editor for newly created resource get java.lang.Throwable: Light files should have PSI only in one project,
      * There is not button (reload content from cluster) in kubernetes plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2023
      * Caret movement / input lag when filename widget is shortened
      * Global Slowdown since 2024.1.2.
      * background of actions on main toolbar get stuck
      * Project-wide analysis missing from problems tool window
      * Run widget: chevron is shifted down
      * When both "show tool window names" and setting background images are enabled, it causes severe input lag and cursor movement lag

      Taken from: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/articles/PY-A-233538242/PyCharm-2024.1.4-241.18034.82-build-Release-Notes

    PR:             280012
    Approved by:     Jonathan Chen <jonc@chen.org.nz> (maintainer)

 devel/pycharm-ce/Makefile  | 2 +-
 devel/pycharm-ce/distinfo  | 6 +++---
 devel/pycharm-ce/pkg-plist | 6 +++---
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
Comment 2 Torsten Zuehlsdorff freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2024-07-08 12:14:22 UTC
Committed, thank you! :)