Bug 284339 - net/routinator: Update to 0.14.1
Summary: net/routinator: Update to 0.14.1
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: --- Affects Some People
Assignee: Fernando Apesteguía
URL: https://www.nlnetlabs.nl/news/2025/Ja...
Depends on:
Reported: 2025-01-25 14:23 UTC by Jaap Akkerhuis
Modified: 2025-01-30 09:03 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
fernape: merge-quarterly?

patsh to upgrade (73.61 KB, patch)
2025-01-25 14:23 UTC, Jaap Akkerhuis
jaap: maintainer-approval+
Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jaap Akkerhuis 2025-01-25 14:23:05 UTC
Created attachment 256984 [details]
patsh to upgrade


* ASPA support is now always compiled in and available if `enable-aspa`
  is set. The `aspa` Cargo feature has been removed. ([#990])

* If merging mutliple ASPA objects for a single customer ASN results
  in more than 16,380 provider ASNs, the ASPA is dropped. (Note
  that ASPA objects with more than 16,380 provider ASNs are already
  rejected during parsing.) ([#996]) * New `archive-stats` command
  that shows some statistics of an RRDP archive. ([#982])

* Re-enabled the use of GZIP compression in HTTP request sent by
  the RRDP collector. Measures to deal with exploding data have
  been implemented in [rpki-rs#319]. ([#997])

Bug fixes

* Fixed an issue with checking the file names in manifests that let
  to a crash when non-ASCII characters are used. ([rpki-rs#320],
  reported by Haya Schulmann and Niklas Vogel of Goethe University
  Frankfurt/ATHENE Center and assigned [CVE-2025-0638])

* The validation HTTP endpoints now accept prefixes with non-zero
  host bits. ([#987])

* Removed duplicate `rtr_client_reset_queries` in HTTP metrics.
  ([#992] by [@sleinen])

* Improved disk space consumption of the new RRDP archives by
  re-using empty space when updating an object and padding all
  objects to a multiple of 256 bytes. ([#982])

Other changes

* The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.74. ([#999])

* Added packaging support for Ubuntu 24.04 and removed support for
  Debian Stretch 9, Ubuntu Xenial 16.04, Ubuntu Bionic 18.04, and
  Centos 7 ([#980], [#994])

* Upgraded the bundled routinator-ui to release [ui-0.4.3][0.4.3].
Comment 1 Fernando Apesteguía freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2025-01-29 11:14:35 UTC
Should we MFH?
Comment 2 Fernando Apesteguía freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2025-01-30 09:03:11 UTC

Comment 3 commit-hook freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2025-01-30 09:03:48 UTC
A commit in branch main references this bug:

URL: https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/ports/commit/?id=599a80624f792faf54cdc8b61b9fff7e308f7f90

commit 599a80624f792faf54cdc8b61b9fff7e308f7f90
Author:     Jaap Akkerhuis <jaap@NLnetLabs.nl>
AuthorDate: 2025-01-29 11:13:43 +0000
Commit:     Fernando Apesteguía <fernape@FreeBSD.org>
CommitDate: 2025-01-30 09:02:43 +0000

    net/routinator: Update to 0.14.1

    ChangeLog: https://www.nlnetlabs.nl/news/2025/Jan/22/routinator-0.14.1-released/

    * ASPA support is now always compiled in and available if `enable-aspa`
      is set. The `aspa` Cargo feature has been removed. ([#990])

    * If merging mutliple ASPA objects for a single customer ASN results
      in more than 16,380 provider ASNs, the ASPA is dropped. (Note
      that ASPA objects with more than 16,380 provider ASNs are already
      rejected during parsing.) ([#996]) * New `archive-stats` command
      that shows some statistics of an RRDP archive. ([#982])

    * Re-enabled the use of GZIP compression in HTTP request sent by
      the RRDP collector. Measures to deal with exploding data have
      been implemented in [rpki-rs#319]. ([#997])

    Bug fixes

    * Fixed an issue with checking the file names in manifests that let
      to a crash when non-ASCII characters are used. ([rpki-rs#320],
      reported by Haya Schulmann and Niklas Vogel of Goethe University
      Frankfurt/ATHENE Center and assigned [CVE-2025-0638])

    * The validation HTTP endpoints now accept prefixes with non-zero
      host bits. ([#987])

    * Removed duplicate `rtr_client_reset_queries` in HTTP metrics.
      ([#992] by [@sleinen])

    * Improved disk space consumption of the new RRDP archives by
      re-using empty space when updating an object and padding all
      objects to a multiple of 256 bytes. ([#982])

    Other changes

    * The minimum supported Rust version is now 1.74. ([#999])

    * Added packaging support for Ubuntu 24.04 and removed support for
      Debian Stretch 9, Ubuntu Xenial 16.04, Ubuntu Bionic 18.04, and
      Centos 7 ([#980], [#994])

    * Upgraded the bundled routinator-ui to release [ui-0.4.3][0.4.3].
    PR:             284339
    Reported by:    jaap@NLnetLabs.nl (maintainer)

 net/routinator/Makefile        |  11 +-
 net/routinator/Makefile.crates | 316 ++++++++++----------
 net/routinator/distinfo        | 638 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 3 files changed, 494 insertions(+), 471 deletions(-)