vscan won't work on 4.3-RELEASE as there is no libc.so.3. Here's a quick and dirty solution for this problem. How-To-Repeat: # uvscan /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libc.so.3" not found # cd /usr/lib && ln -s libc.so.4 libc.so.3
++ 27/07/01 13:36 +0200 - martti.kuparinen@iki.fi: | >Description: | | vscan won't work on 4.3-RELEASE as there is no libc.so.3. | Here's a quick and dirty solution for this problem. | | >How-To-Repeat: | | # uvscan | /usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: Shared object "libc.so.3" not found | # cd /usr/lib && ln -s libc.so.4 libc.so.3 | The real solution is to have the compat3x libraries installed. libc.so.3 will then live in /usr/lib/compat. | >Fix: | I'm not sure of the fix. Maybe something like: .if !exists(/usr/lib/compat/libc.so.3) BROKEN= "You must have the compat3x libraries installed." .endif -- Pete Fritchman <petef@databits.net> Databits Network Services, Inc. <http://databits.net> finger petef@databits.net for PGP key
Ok, here's a better patch to apply! Martti ============================================================================= diff -ru /usr/ports/security/vscan/Makefile vscan/Makefile --- /usr/ports/security/vscan/Makefile Sat Apr 14 16:16:20 2001 +++ vscan/Makefile Thu Aug 2 07:40:35 2001 @@ -23,6 +23,10 @@ LICENSE= shareware RESTRICTED= "restrictive 30 day evaluation license" +.if !exists(/usr/lib/compat/libc.so.3) +BROKEN= "You must have the compat3x libraries installed." +.endif + do-configure: ${SED} <${FILESDIR}/uvscan.sh >${WRKSRC}/uvscan.sh \ -e 's:@@PREFIX@@:${PREFIX}:g' =============================================================================
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->jeh Over to maintainer.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks.