Installing a fresh machine with 4.4RC-1 iso. The disklabel's [A]uto command automagically creates mount points. 1. Non of which has SoftUpdates on by default [beware the bikeshed]. 2. No /tmp (or /var/tmp per tuning(7)). something totaly different: Why no snort in the packages from the ports tree? No password validation when adding users? When clicking "HTML documents" in the "Post Configuration" menu, lynx is auto-installed. It whould be wiser, regarding lynx's long history of security problems, to use other browser or at least get the user's confirmation. On the "User Confirmation Requested" just before rebooting, i quote: "Be sure to remove any floppies/CDROM from the drive". I can't remove the CDROM as it's still mounted. How about "ejecting" it, or unmounting on "yes" and giving the user 10-30 seconds to "eject the CDROM manually"? root password isn't set!!! I gave root password at the correct prompt, but after the reboot I logged in with no "password:" prompt.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->eric Eric is working on fixing sysinstall for 4.4.
< root password isn't set!!! I gave root password at the correct prompt, > but after the reboot I logged in with no "password:" prompt. The actual case was that after installing "costume install", the /etc/passwd and friends were unchanged. Meaning, no password for root, and users added during the install weren't there after reboot. /etc/passwd, /etc/groups, /etc/master.passwd and their binary friends were all defaulted.
Responsible Changed From-To: eric->freebsd-qa assign idle sysinstall bugs to freebsd-qa, as suggested by murray Adding to audit trail manually by bugmeister: At least, the bug with the CDROM tray being locked persists as of 2008.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-bugs->kensmith I'll try to clean this one up.
State Changed From-To: open->patched We need to review how disks are handled completely for 8.0 so for now I'm going to say the disk issues raised will need to be covered as part of that. Packages on the media have always been something of a moving target, snort just wasn't popular enough to make the cut. Password validation got added in r186183. Being able to eject the media at the point sysinstall tells you to got added in r186131. I don't know when but the default html viewer became links and it is not automagically installed, the user needs to do it. I'm not sure how the root password was not being set but that appears to be fixed as well.
Obsoleted by subsequent events.