Bug 37263 - Updated chapter in Handbook: Installing SAP R/3
Summary: Updated chapter in Handbook: Installing SAP R/3
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Documentation
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Books & Articles (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Tom Rhodes
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Reported: 2002-04-20 00:30 UTC by hk
Modified: 2002-05-06 17:06 UTC (History)
0 users

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Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description hk 2002-04-20 00:30:03 UTC
        I updated section 20.6 in the FreeBSD Handbook (Installing SAP R/3)
        so it now also contains a description for the installation of SAP 4.6C
        with Oracle 8.1.7 on FreeBSD 4.5-stable (the other was SAP R/3 4.6B IDES
        with Oracle 8.0.5 on FreeBSD 4.3-stable).


Apply the following diff to 
doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/linuxemu/chapter.sgml,v 1.66 2002/03/27 01:16:54 keramida:

< 	  <contrib>Original version converted to SGML by </contrib>
> 	  <contrib>Converted to SGML by </contrib>
<     <title>Installing SAP R/3</title>
>     <title>Installing SAP R/3 (4.6B - IDES)</title>
< 	<application>SAP R/3-System</application>
< 	with <application>Oracle Database</application>
< 	for Linux onto a FreeBSD machine, including the installation
< 	of FreeBSD and <application>Oracle</application>. Two different
< 	configurations will be described:</para>
<       <itemizedlist>
< 	<listitem><para><application>SAP R/3 4.6B (IDES)</application> with 
< 	  <application>Oracle 8.0.5</application> on FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE</para></listitem>
< 	<listitem><para><application>SAP R/3 4.6C</application> with 
< 	  <application>Oracle 8.1.7</application> on FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE</para></listitem>
<       </itemizedlist>
> 	<application>SAP R/3 4.6B IDES-System</application>
> 	with <application>Oracle 8.0.5</application>
> 	for Linux onto a FreeBSD 4.3 machine, including the installation
> 	of FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE and 
> 	<application>Oracle 8.0.5</application>.</para>
>       <informaltable>
>         <tgroup cols=3>
>         <thead>
>         <row>
>           <entry>Name</entry> <entry>Number</entry> <entry>Description</entry>
>         </row>
>         </thead>
>         <tbody>
>         <row>
>           <entry>KERNEL</entry> <entry>51009113</entry> <entry>SAP Kernel Oracle /
>           Installation / AIX, Linux, Solaris</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>RDBMS</entry> <entry>51007558</entry> <entry>Oracle / RDBMS 8.0.5.X /
>           Linux</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>EXPORT1</entry> <entry>51010208</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export / Disc
>           1 of 6</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>EXPORT2</entry> <entry>51010209</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export / Disc
>           2 of 6</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>EXPORT3</entry> <entry>51010210</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
>           Disc3 of 6</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>EXPORT4</entry> <entry>51010211</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
>           Disc4 of 6</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>EXPORT5</entry> <entry>51010212</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
>           Disc5 of 6</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>EXPORT6</entry> <entry>51010213</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
>           Disc6 of 6</entry>
>         </row>
>         </tbody>
>         </tgroup>
>       </informaltable>
<       <sect3 id="software-46b">
< 	<title>SAP R/3 4.6B, Oracle 8.0.5</title>
<         <informaltable>
<           <tgroup cols=3>
<           <thead>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Name</entry> <entry>Number</entry> <entry>Description</entry>
<           </row>
<           </thead>
<           <tbody>
<           <row>
<             <entry>KERNEL</entry> <entry>51009113</entry> <entry>SAP Kernel Oracle /
<             Installation / AIX, Linux, Solaris</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>RDBMS</entry> <entry>51007558</entry> <entry>Oracle / RDBMS 8.0.5.X /
<             Linux</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT1</entry> <entry>51010208</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export / 
< 	    Disc 1 of 6</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT2</entry> <entry>51010209</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export / 
< 	    Disc 2 of 6</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT3</entry> <entry>51010210</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
<             Disc 3 of 6</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT4</entry> <entry>51010211</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
<             Disc 4 of 6</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT5</entry> <entry>51010212</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
<             Disc 5 of 6</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT6</entry> <entry>51010213</entry> <entry>IDES / DB-Export /
<               Disc 6 of 6</entry>
<           </row>
<           </tbody>
<           </tgroup>
<         </informaltable>
<         <para>Additionally, I used the <application>Oracle 8
<           Server</application> (Pre-production version 8.0.5 for Linux,
<           Kernel Version 2.0.33) CD which is not really necessary, and
<           of course FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE (it was only a few days past 4.3
<           RELEASE).</para>
<       </sect3>
<       <sect3 id="software-46c">
<         <title>SAP R/3 4.6C SR2, Oracle 8.1.7</title>
<         <informaltable>
<           <tgroup cols=3>
<           <thead>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Name</entry> <entry>Number</entry> <entry>Description</entry>
<           </row>
<           </thead>
<           <tbody>
<           <row>
<             <entry>KERNEL</entry> <entry>51014004</entry> <entry>SAP Kernel Oracle /
<             SAP Kernel Version 4.6D / DEC, Linux</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>RDBMS</entry> <entry>51012930</entry> <entry>Oracle 8.1.7/ RDBMS /
<             Linux</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT1</entry> <entry>51013953</entry> <entry>Release 4.6C SR2 / Export 
< 	    / Disc 1 of 4</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT1</entry> <entry>51013953</entry> <entry>Release 4.6C SR2 / Export 
< 	    / Disc 2 of 4</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT1</entry> <entry>51013953</entry> <entry>Release 4.6C SR2 / Export 
< 	    / Disc 3 of 4</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>EXPORT1</entry> <entry>51013953</entry> <entry>Release 4.6C SR2 / Export 
< 	    / Disc 4 of 4</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>LANG1</entry> <entry>51013954</entry> <entry>Release 4.6C SR2 /
< 	    Language / DE, EN, FR / Disc 1 of 3</entry>
<           </row>
<           </tbody>
<           </tgroup>
<         </informaltable>
<         <para>Depending on the languages one would like to install, additional
< 	  language CDs might be necessary. Here we're just using DE and EN, so the
< 	  first Language-CD is the only one needed. As a little note, the numbers for
< 	  all four export CDs are identical. All three language CDs also have the same
< 	  number (his is different from the 4.6B IDES release CD numbering). At the 
< 	  time of writing this installation is running on FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE 
< 	  (20.03.2002).</para>
<       </sect3>
>       <para>Additionally, I used the <application>Oracle 8
>         Server</application> (Pre-production version 8.0.5 for Linux,
>         Kernel Version 2.0.33) CD which is not really necessary, and
>         of course FreeBSD 4.3 stable (it was only a few days past 4.3
>         RELEASE).</para>
<       <sect3 id="sap-notes-46b">
< 	<title>SAP R/3 4.6B, Oracle 8.0.5</title>
<         <informaltable>
<           <tgroup cols="2">
<           <thead>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Number</entry>
<             <entry>Title</entry>
<           </row>
<           </thead>
<           <tbody>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0171356</entry> <entry>SAP Software on Linux: Essential
<             Comments</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0201147</entry> <entry>INST: 4.6C R/3 Inst. on UNIX -
<             Oracle</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0373203</entry> <entry>Update / Migration Oracle 8.0.5 -->
<             8.0.6/8.1.6 LINUX</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0072984</entry> <entry>Release of Digital UNIX 4.0B for
<             Oracle</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0130581</entry> <entry>R3SETUP step DIPGNTAB terminates</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0144978</entry> <entry>Your system has not been installed
<             correctly</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0162266</entry> <entry>Questions and tips for R3SETUP on Windows
<             NT / W2K</entry>
<           </row>
<           </tbody>
<           </tgroup>
<         </informaltable>
<       </sect3>
<       <sect3 id="sap-notes-46c">
<         <title>SAP R/3 4.6C, Oracle 8.1.7</title>
<         <informaltable>
<           <tgroup cols="2">
<           <thead>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Number</entry>
<             <entry>Title</entry>
<           </row>
<           </thead>
<           <tbody>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0015023</entry> <entry>Initializing table TCPDB (RSXP0004)
<             (EBCDIC)</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0045619</entry> <entry>R/3 with several languages or
<             typefaces</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0171356</entry> <entry>SAP Software on Linux: Essential
<             Comments</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0195603</entry> <entry>RedHat 6.1 Enterprise version:
< 	    Known problems</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0212876</entry> <entry>The new archiving tool SAPCAR</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0300900</entry> <entry>Linux: Released DELL Hardware</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0377187</entry> <entry>RedHat 6.2: important remarks</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0387074</entry> <entry>INST: R/3 4.6C SR2 Installation on 
< 	    UNIX</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0387077</entry> <entry>INST: R/3 4.6C SR2 Inst. on UNIX - 
< 	    Oracle</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>0387078</entry> <entry>SAP Software on UNIX: OS Dependencies
< 	    4.6C SR2</entry>
<           </row>
<           </tbody>
<           </tgroup>
<         </informaltable>
<       </sect3>
>       <informaltable>
>         <tgroup cols="2">
>         <thead>
>         <row>
>           <entry>Number</entry>
>           <entry>Title</entry>
>         </row>
>         </thead>
>         <tbody>
>         <row>
>           <entry>0171356</entry> <entry>SAP Software auf Linux: grundlegenden
>           Anmerkungen</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>0201147</entry> <entry>INST: 4.6C R/3 Inst. on UNIX -
>           Oracle</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>0373203</entry> <entry>Update / Migration Oracle 8.0.5 -->
>           8.0.6/8.1.6 LINUX</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>0072984</entry> <entry>Release of Digital UNIX 4.0B for
>           Oracle</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>0130581</entry> <entry>R3SETUP step DIPGNTAB terminates</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>0144978</entry> <entry>Your system has not been installed
>           correctly</entry>
>         </row>
>         <row>
>           <entry>0162266</entry> <entry>Questions and tips for R3SETUP on Windows
>           NT / W2K</entry>
>         </row>
>         </tbody>
>         </tgroup>
>       </informaltable>
<       <para>The following equipment is sufficient for the installation
<         of a <application>SAP R/3 System</application>. For production
< 	use, a more exact sizing is of course needed:</para>
>       <para>The following equipment is sufficient for a
>         <application>SAP R/3 System</application> (4.6B):</para>
<         and ECC-RAM is recommended.  The large amount of hard disc
>         and ECC-RAM is recommended.  The large amount of Hard disc
<         27 GB of database files during installation. This space is
< 	also sufficient for initial production systems and application
< 	date. </para>
<       <sect3 id="hardware-46b">
<         <title>SAP R/3 4.6B, Oracle 8.0.5</title>
<       <para>The following off-the-shelf hardware was used: a dual processor 
< 	board with 2 800MHz Pentium III processors, Adaptec 29160 Ultra160 
< 	SCSI adapter (for accessing a 40/80 GB DLT tape drive and CDROM), 
< 	Mylex AcceleRAID (2 channels, firmware 6.00-1-00 with 32MB RAM).
< 	To the Mylex Raid-controller are attached two 17GB hard discs 
< 	(mirrored) and four 36GB hard discs (RAID level 5).</para>
<       </sect3>
<       <sect3 id="hardware-46c">
<         <title>SAP R/3 4.6C, Oracle 8.1.7</title>
<       <para>For this installation a DELL PowerEdge 2500 was used: a
< 	 dual processor board with two 1000MHz Pentium III processors
< 	(256kB Cache), 2GB PC133 ECC SDRAM, PERC/3 DC PCI Raid Controller
< 	with 128MB, and an EIDE DVD-ROM drive. To the RAID-controller are
< 	attached two 18GB hard discs (mirrored) and four 36GB hard discs
< 	(RAID level 5).</para>
<       </sect3>
>         27 GB of database files during installation.  Usually after
>         installation it is then necessary to extend some
>         tablespaces.</para>
>       <para>I used a dual processor board with 2 800MHz Pentium III
>         processors, Adaptec 29160 Ultra160 SCSI adapter (for accessing
>         a 40/80 GB DLT tape drive and CDROM), Mylex AcelleRAID (2
>         channels, firmware 6.00-1-00 with 32MB RAM).  To the Mylex
>         Raid-controller are attached two 17GB hard discs (mirrored)
>         and four 36GB hard discs (RAID level 5).</para>
<       <title>Installation of FreeBSD</title>
>       <title>Installation of FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE</title>
<       <para>First you have to install FreeBSD. There are several ways to do
< 	this (FreeBSD 4.3 was installed via FTP, FreeBSD 4.5 directly from
<         release-CD).</para>
<       <sect3 id="disk-layout">
< 	<title>Disk Layout</title>
< 	<para>To keep it simple, the same disk layout both for the
< 	  <application>SAP R/3 46B-</application> and <application>SAP R/3 46C
< 	  SR2-</application>installation was used. Only the device names changed,
< 	  as the installations were on different hardware (/dev/da and /dev/amr
< 	  respectively, so if using an AMI MegaRAID, one will see
< 	  /dev/amr0s1a instead of /dev/da0s1a):</para> 
>       <para>First I installed FreeBSD 4.3 stable. I did the
>         default-installation via FTP.</para>
>       <sect3 id="install-via-ftp">
>         <title>Installation via FTP</title> <para>Get the diskimages
>         kern.flp and mfsroot.flp and put them on floppy disks (I got
>         mine from ftp7.de.FreeBSD.org. Please choose the appropriate
>         mirror).</para>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=kern.flp of=/dev/fd0</userinput> 
> &prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=mfsroot.flp of=/dev/fd0</userinput> </screen>
>         <para>Do not forget to use different disks for the two images,
>           then boot from the floppy with the kern.flp-image on it
>           and follow instructions.  I used the following disk
>           layout:</para>
<         <para>Configure and initialize the two logical drives
<           with the Mylex- or PERC/3 RAID software beforehand.
< 	  The software can be started during the 
< 	  boot phase of the PC.</para>
>         <para>I had to configure and initialize the two logical drives
>           with the Mylex software beforehand. It is located on the
>           board itself and can be started during the boot phase of the
>           PC.</para>
<           FreeBSD, I had my own script located in /etc/cvsup. To set
<           up <application>CVSup</application> for FreeBSD 4.3+ do 
< 	  the following as user <username>root</username>:</para>
>           FreeBSD, I had my own script located in /etc/cvsup. Setting
>           up <application>CVSup</application> for FreeBSD 4.3 is quite
> 	  easy. As user
>           <username>root</username> do the following:</para>
<         <para>After downloading the lastest stable-sources, it is 
< 	  necessary to recompile world and the custom kernel (here the
< 	  necessary steps are only summarized). The first
< 	  step is to customize the kernel configuration file. As the
< 	  computer is named <hostid>troubadix</hostid>, the natural
< 	  name for the config file also is 
< 	  <filename>TROUBADIX</filename>:</para>
>         <para>The first thing to do is to install the sources.
>           As user root, do the following:</para>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>make world</userinput> </screen>
>         <para>If this goes through, one can then continue creating and
>           configuring the new kernel. Usually this is where to
>           customize the kernel configuration file.  As the computer is
>           named <hostid>troubadix</hostid>, the natural name for the 
> 	  config file also is <filename>troubadix</filename>:</para>
<           below which are required for both <application>SAP R/3</application>
< 	  and <application>Oracle</application>. To create and install 
< 	  the new kernel together with all other FreeBSD programms, do the
< 	  following (or something similar) as user 
< 	  <username>root</username>:</para>
<  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>make buildworld</userinput>          
< &prompt.root; <userinput>make buildkernel KERNCONF=TROUBADIX</userinput>          
< &prompt.root; <userinput>make installkernel KERNCONF=TROUBADIX</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>make installworld</userinput>          
< &prompt.root; <userinput>mergemaster</userinput> 
< &prompt.root; <userinput>reboot</userinput></screen>
<         <para>For older releases of FreeBSD (including 4.3), the necessary
< 	  steps to create and install a new kernel are slightly more 
< 	  complicated and will not be explained here.</para>
>           below Creating the new kernel then requires:</para>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src/sys/i386/conf</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>config TROUBADIX</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/src/sys/compile/TROUBADIX</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>make depend</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>make</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>make install</userinput> </screen>
>         <para>After <command>make install</command> finished
>           successfully, one should reboot the computer to have the new
>           kernel available.</para>
<       <para>During the first installation with FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE I had some
< 	trouble downloading the required RPM-files (for 4.3 stable, 2nd May 
< 	2001), but with FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE, everything went very smooth.
< 	Should you encounter some problems, try to download those files by
< 	hand. For a list of RPM-Mirrors and required files, see the
< 	corresponding makefile.</para>
>       <para>I had some trouble downloading the required RPM-files (for
>         4.3 stable, 2nd May 2001), so you might try one of the
>         following locations (if all the others fail and the following
>         are not out of date):</para>
>       <itemizedlist>
>         <listitem><para>ftp7.de.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/distfiles/rpm</para></listitem>
>         <listitem><para>ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/6.1/en/os/i386/RedHat/RPMS</para></listitem>
>       </itemizedlist>
<         <para>First the Linux base-system needs to be installed (as 
< 	  <username>root</username>). For <application>SAP R/3 
< 	  IDES</application> on FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE, I used:</para>
>         <para>First the Linux base-system needs to be installed (as root):
< &prompt.root; <userinput>make package</userinput> </screen>
< 	<para>For <application>SAP R/3 4.6C SR2</application> on FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE
< 	  the slightly newer <filename>linux_base-62</filename> was used instead:</para>
<         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/ports/emulators/linux_base-62</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>make package</userinput> </screen>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>make package</userinput> </screen></para>
<         <para>The Linux development is needed, if you want to install 
< 	  <application>Oracle</application> on FreeBSD according to the
< 	  corresponding description in the handbook:</para>
>         <para>Next, the Linux development is needed:</para>
<         <para>Linux Development has only been installed for the <application>SAP
< 	  R/3 46B IDES-</application> installation. It is not needed, if
< 	  the <application>Oracle DB</application> is not relinked on the
< 	  FreeBSD system. This is the case, if one is using the
< 	  <application>Oracle</application> tarball from a linux system.</para> 
<         <para>To start the R3SETUP-Program, pam support is needed. 
< 	  During the first SAP-Installation on FreeBSD 4.3-STABLE I
< 	  tried to install pam with all the required packages and
< 	  finally forced the installation of the pam package, which
< 	  worked. For <application>SAP R/3 4.6C SR2</application> I
< 	  directly forced the installation of pam rpm, which also 
< 	  works, so it seems the dependend packages are not needed:</para>
>         <para>To start the R3SETUP-Program, pam support is needed.  As
>           this also requires some other packages, I ended up
>           installing several packages. After that, pam still
>           complained about a missing package, so I forced the
>           installation and it worked. I wonder if the other packages
>           are really needed or if it would have been sufficient to
>           install the pam-package.</para>
>         <para>Anyway, here is the list of packages I installed:</para>
>         <itemizedlist>
>           <listitem><para>cracklib-2.7-5.i386.rpm</para></listitem>
>           <listitem><para>cracklib-dicts-2.7-5.i386.rpm</para></listitem>
>           <listitem><para>pwdb-0.60-1.i386.rpm</para></listitem>
>           <listitem><para>pam-0.68-7.i386.rpm</para></listitem>
>         </itemizedlist>
>         <para>I installed these packages with the following
>           command:</para>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>rpm -i --ignoreos --root /compat/linux --dbpath /var/lib/rpm &lt;package_name&gt;</userinput> </screen>
>         <para>except for the pam package, which I forced with</para>
<         <para>For <application>Oracle 8.0.5</application> to run the
>         <para>For <application>Oracle</application> to run the
<       <sect3 id="linuxprocandfallbackelfbrand">
<         <title>Some additional hints</title>
< 	<para>It might also be a good idea to add <filename>linprocfs</filename>
< 	  to <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>. See <command>man linprocfs</command>.
< 	  Another parameter to set is <emphasis>kern.fallback_elf_brand=3</emphasis>
< 	  which is done in file <filename>/etc/sysctl.conf</filename>.
<       </sect3>
<         <para>It is also necessary to created some links. Otherwise
< 	  the SAP-Installer will complain, as it is checking the
< 	  created links:</para>
>         <para>I also created some links, so FreeBSD will also find the
>           correct path:</para>
< 	<para>Possible error message during installation (here with
< 	  System <emphasis>PRD</emphasis> and the
< 	  <application>SAP R/3 4.6C SR2</application>
< 	  installation):</para>
< 	<screen>INFO 2002-03-19 16:45:36 R3LINKS_IND_IND SyLinkCreate:200	
<     Checking existence of symbolic link /usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/dbg to
<     /sapmnt/PRD/exe. Creating if it does not exist...
< WARNING 2002-03-19 16:45:36 R3LINKS_IND_IND SyLinkCreate:400
<     Link /usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/dbg exists but it points to file
<     /compat/linux/sapmnt/PRD/exe instead of /sapmnt/PRD/exe. The
<     program cannot go on as long as this link exists at this
<     location. Move the link to another location.
< ERROR 2002-03-19 16:45:36 R3LINKS_IND_IND Ins_SetupLinks:0
<     can not setup link '/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/dbg' with content
<     '/sapmnt/PRD/exe'</screen>
< 	  installation I used <emphasis>IDS</emphasis>, for the
< 	  4.6C SR2 installation <emphasis>PRD</emphasis>, as that system
< 	  is intended for production use.  We have
> 	  installation I used <emphasis>IDS</emphasis>.  We have
<             <entry>idsadm/prdadm</entry>
>             <entry>idsadm</entry>
<             <entry>oraids/oraprd</entry>
>             <entry>oraids</entry>
<         <programlisting>Name: &lt;sid&gt;adm
>         <programlisting>Name: idsadm            &lt;sid&gt;adm
< Fullname: SAP Administrator &lt;SID&gt;
> Fullname: SAP IDES Administrator
< HOME: /home/&lt;sid&gt;adm
< Shell: bash  (/compat/linux/bin/bash)</programlisting>
> HOME: /home/idsadm      /home/&lt;sid&gt;adm
> Shell: /bin/sh</programlisting>
<         <programlisting>Name: ora&lt;sid&gt; 
>         <programlisting>Name: oraids          ora&lt;sid&gt; 
< Fullname: Oracle Administrator &lt;SID&gt;
> Fullname: Oracle IDES Administrator 
< HOME: /oracle/&lt;sid&gt; 
< Shell: bash  (/compat/linux/bin/bash)</programlisting>
> HOME: /oracle/IDS     /oracle/&lt;sid&gt; 
> Shell: /bin/sh</programlisting>
<         <para>First we will set owners and rights of some directories (as
>         <para>First we will set owners and right of some directories (as
< &prompt.root; <userinput>chown &lt;sid&gt;adm:sapsys /compat/linux/usr/sap</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>chmod 775 /compat/linux/usr/sap</userinput> </screen>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>chown idsadm:sapsys /compat/linux/usr/sap</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>chmow 775 /compat/linux/usr/sap</userinput> </screen>
<         <para>Second we will create directories as user 
< 	  <username>ora&lt;sid&gt;</username>. These
<           will all be subdirectories of 
< 	  <filename>/oracle/&lt;SID&gt;</filename>:</para>
>         <para>Second we will create directories as user ora&lt;sid&gt;. These
>         will all be subdirectories of /oracle/IDS:</para>
<         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>su - ora&lt;sid&gt;</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /oracle/&lt;SID&gt;</userinput>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>su - oraids</userinput>
< 	<para>For the <application>Oracle 8.1.7-</application>installation
< 	  some additional directories are needed:</para>
< 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>su - ora&lt;sid&gt;</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /oracle</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir 805_32</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir client stage</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir client/80x_32</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir stage/817_32</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>cd /oracle/&lt;SID&gt;</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir 817_32</userinput></screen>
< 	  <username>&lt;sid&gt;adm</username>:</para>
> 	  <username>idsadm</username> (&lt;sid&gt;adm):</para>
<         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>su - &lt;sid&gt;adm</userinput>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>su - idsadm</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir &lt;SID&gt;</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir IDS</userinput>
<         <programlisting>
< sapdp00    3200/tcp # SAP Dispatcher.      3200 + Instance-Number
< sapgw00    3300/tcp # SAP Gateway.         3300 + Instance-Number
< sapsp00    3400/tcp #                      3400 + Instance-Number
< sapms00    3500/tcp #                      3500 + Instance-Number
< sapms&lt;SID&gt; 3600/tcp # SAP Message Server.  3600 + Instance-Number
< sapgw00s   4800/tcp # SAP Secure Gateway   4800 + Instance-Number</programlisting>
>         <programlisting>sapdp00  3200/tcp # SAP Dispatcher.      3200 + Instance-Number
> sapgw00  3300/tcp # SAP Gateway.         3300 + Instance-Number
> sapsp00  3400/tcp #                      3400 + Instance-Number
> sapms00  3500/tcp #                      3500 + Instance-Number
> sapmsIDS 3600/tcp # SAP Message Server.  3600 + Instance-Number</programlisting>
< 	<para>Create the links like this:</para>
< 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /compat/linux/usr/share/locale</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>ln -s de_DE de_DE.ISO-8859-1</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>ln -s en_US en_US.ISO-8859-1</userinput></screen>
< options DFLDSIZ="(1024*1024*1024)"
< # System V options needed.
> options DFLDSIZ="(1024*1024*1024)" # System V options needed.
< #options SHMMAXPGS=393216 #use this for the 46C inst.parameters
< options SHMMNI=256       #max number of shared memory ident if.
< options SHMSEG=100       #max shared mem.segs per process
> options SHMMNI=256 #max number of shared memory ident if.
> options SHMSEG=100 #max shared mem.segs per process
< options MSGSEG=32767     #max num. of mes.segments in system 
< options MSGSSZ=32        #size of msg-seg. MUST be power of 2
< options MSGMNB=65535     #max char. per message queue
< options MSGTQL=2046      #max amount of msgs in system
> options MSGSEG=32767 #max num. of mes.segments in system 
> options MSGSSZ=32 #size of msg-seg. MUST be power of 2
> options MSGMNB=65535 #max char. per message queue
> options MSGTQL=2046 #max amount of msgs in system
< options SEMMNU=256       #number of semaphore UNDO structures
< options SEMMNS=1024      #number of semaphores in system
< options SEMMNI=520       #number of semaphore indentifiers
< options SEMUME=100       #number of UNDO keys</programlisting></para>
> options SEMMNU=256 #number of semaphore UNDO structures
> options SEMMNS=1024 #number of semaphores in system
> options SEMMNI=520 #number of semaphore indentifiers
> options SEMUME=100 #number of UNDO keys</programlisting></para>
<           HP-UX-section (32-bit) for further information. As the system
< 	  for the 4.6C SR2 installation has more main memory, the shared
< 	  segments can be larger both for <application>SAP</application>
< 	  and <application>Oracle</application>, therefore choose a larger
< 	  number of shared memory pages.
< 	  <note><para>It looks like there are some problems with linux 
< 	    programs having more than 1GB of memory, so I had to leave
< 	    MAXDSIZ at 1GB maximum. Otherwise, strange errors like
< 	    <emphasis>ORA-27102: out of memory</emphasis> and 
<             <emphasis>Linux Error: 12: Cannot allocate memory</emphasis>
<             might happen.</para></note>
>           HP-UX-section (32-bit) for further information.
<         <programlisting>/oracle/&lt;SID&gt;/sapreorg/&lt;cd-name&gt;</programlisting>
>         <programlisting>/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/&lt;cd-name&gt;</programlisting>
< 	  <filename>EXPORT6</filename> for the 4.6B/IDES-installation, and
< 	  <filename>KERNEL</filename>, <filename>RDBMS</filename>,
< 	  <filename>DISK1</filename>, <filename>DISK2</filename>,
< 	  <filename>DISK3</filename>, <filename>DISK4</filename> and
< 	  <filename>LANG</filename> for the 4.6C SR2-installation. All the
< 	  filenames on the mounted CDs should be in capital letters,
< 	  otherwise use the -g option for mounting. So use the following
< 	  commands:</para>
> 	  <filename>EXPORT6</filename>. All the
> 	  filenames should be in capital letters, otherwise use the -g
> 	  option for mounting. So use the following commands:</para>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>cp -R /mnt/* /oracle/&lt;SID&gt;/sapreorg/&lt;cd-name&gt;</userinput>
> &prompt.root; <userinput>cp -R /mnt/* /oracle/IDS/sapreorg/&lt;cd-name&gt;</userinput>
<         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /oracle/&lt;SID&gt;/sapreorg</userinput>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /oracle/IDS/sapreorg</userinput>
<         <screen>&prompt.root; /oracle/&lt;SID&gt;/sapreorg/KERNEL/UNIX/INSTTOOL.SH</screen>
>         <para><filename>/oracle/IDS/sapreorg/KERNEL/UNIX/INSTTOOL.SH</filename></para>
<         <para>The IDES-Installation (4.6B) comes with a fully customized
<           SAP R/3 Demo-System, so there are six instead of just three
<           EXPORT-CDs. At this point the installation template
<           <filename>CENTRDB.R3S</filename> is for installing a standard
< 	  central instance (R/3 and Database), not the IDES central
< 	  instance, so one needs to copy the corresponding CENTRDB.R3S
< 	  from the EXPORT1 directory, otherwise R3SETUP will only ask
< 	  for three EXPORT-CDs.</para>
< 	<para>The newer <application>SAP 4.6C SR2-</application>release
< 	  comes with four EXPORT-CDs. The parameter-file that controls
< 	  the installation-steps is <filename>CENTRAL.R3S</filename>.
< 	  Contrary to earlier releases there are no separate installation
< 	  templates for a central instance with or without database.
< 	  SAP is using a separate template for DB-installation. To restart
< 	  the installation later it is however sufficient to restart with
< 	  the original file.</para>
>         <para>As this is an IDES-Installation with a fully customized
>           SAP R/3 Demo-System, we have six instead of just three
>           EXPORT-CDs.  At this point the installation template
>           CENTRDB.R3S is for installing a standard central instance
>           (R/3 and Database), not an IDES central instance, so copy
>           the corresponding CENTRDB.R3S from the EXPORT1 directory,
>           otherwise R3SETUP will only ask for three EXPORT-CDs.</para>
<       <sect3 id="startr3setup-46B">
<         <title>Start R3SETUP 4.6B</title>
>       <sect3 id="startr3setup">
>         <title>Start R3SETUP</title>
< 	<para>During and after installation, SAP requires
< 	  <command>hostname</command> to return the computer name
< 	  only, not the fully qualified domain name. So either
< 	  set the hostname accordingly, or set an alias with
< 	  <command>alias hostname='hostname -s'</command> for
< 	  both <username>oraids</username> and 
< 	  <username>idsadm</username>. It is also possible to
< 	  adjust the installed profile- and login-scripts of
< 	  both users.</para>
<           indicated the correct key (6_LOCATION, then 7_LOCATION
>           indicated the correct key (6_LOCATI ON, then 7_LOCATION
< <sect3 id="startr3setup-46C">
<         <title>Start R3SETUP 4.6C SR2</title>
<         <para>Make sure LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly. This is a
< 	  different value from the 4.6B installation with
< 	  <application>Oracle 8.0.5</application>:</para>
< 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/sapmnt/PRD/exe:/oracle/PRD/817_32/lib</userinput></screen>
< 	<para>During and after installation, SAP requires
< 	  <command>hostname</command> to return the computer name
< 	  only, not the fully qualified domain name. So either
< 	  set the hostname accordingly, or set an alias with
< 	  <command>alias hostname='hostname -s'</command> for
< 	  <username>oraprd</username>, <username>prdadm</username>
< 	  and (at least during installation phase)
< 	  <username>root</username>. It is also possible to
< 	  adjust the profile- and login-scripts of
< 	  both users that are installed during 
< 	  <application>SAP-</application>installation.</para>
<         <para>Start R3SETUP as user root from installation
<         directory:</para>
<         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /oracle/PRD/sapreorg/install</userinput>
< &prompt.root; <userinput>./R3SETUP -f CENTRAL.R3S</userinput> </screen>
<         <para>The script then asks some questions (defaults in brackets,
<         followed by actual input):</para>
<         <informaltable>
<           <tgroup cols="3">
<           <thead>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Question</entry>
<             <entry>Default</entry>
<             <entry>Input</entry>
<           </row>
<           </thead>
<           <tbody>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter SAP System ID</entry>
<             <entry>[C11]</entry>
<             <entry>PRD&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter SAP Instance Number</entry>
<             <entry>[00]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter SAPMOUNT Directory</entry>
<             <entry>[/sapmnt]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter name of SAP central host</entry>
<             <entry>[majestix]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
< 	  <row>
<             <entry>Enter Database System ID</entry>
<             <entry>[PRD]</entry>
<             <entry>PRD&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter name of SAP db host</entry>
<             <entry>[majestix]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Select character set</entry>
<             <entry>[1] (WE8DEC)</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter Oracle server version (2) Oracle 8.1.7</entry>
<             <entry> </entry>
<             <entry>2&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Extract Oracle Client archive</entry>
<             <entry>[1] (Yes, extract)</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter path to KERNEL CD</entry>
<             <entry>[/sapcd]</entry>
<             <entry>/oracle/PRD/sapreorg/KERNEL</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter amount of RAM for SAP + DB</entry>
<             <entry>2044</entry>
<             <entry>1800&lt;ret&gt; (in Megabytes)</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Service Entry Message Server</entry>
<             <entry>[3600]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter Group-ID of sapsys</entry>
<             <entry>[100]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter Group-ID of oper</entry>
<             <entry>[101]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter Group-ID of dba</entry>
<             <entry>[102]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter User-ID of <username>oraprd</username></entry>
<             <entry>[1002]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Enter User-ID of <username>prdadm</username></entry>
<             <entry>[1000]</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>LDAP support</entry>
<             <entry> </entry>
<             <entry>3&lt;ret&gt; (no support)</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Installation step completed</entry>
<             <entry>[1] (continue)</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           <row>
<             <entry>Choose installation service</entry>
<             <entry>[1] (DB inst,file)</entry>
<             <entry>&lt;ret&gt;</entry>
<           </row>
<           </tbody>
<           </tgroup>
<         </informaltable>
<         <para>So far, creation of users gives an error during
< 	  installation in phases OSUSERDBSID_IND_ORA (for creating
< 	  user <username>ora&lt;sid&gt;</username>) and 
< 	  OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA (creating user 
< 	  <username>&lt;sid&gt;adm</username>).</para>
<         <para>Apart from some problems mentioned below, everything
<           should go straight through up to the point where the Oracle
<           database software needs to be installed.</para>
<       </sect3>
<     <sect2 id="installingoracle817">
<       <title>Installing the Oracle 8.1.7 linux tarball</title>
<       <para>Take the tarball <filename>oracle81732.tgz</filename> you
< 	produced from the installation directory on a linux system
< 	and untar it to <filename>/oracle/&lt;SID&gt;/817_32/</filename></para>
<     </sect2>
< 	  <literal>dipgntab</literal> during the 4.6B
< 	  installation.</para>
> 	  <literal>dipgntab</literal>.</para>
< 	  <username>ora&lt;sid&gt;</username> as follows:</para>
> 	  <username>oraids</username> (ora&lt;sid&gt;) as follows:</para>
<       <sect3 id="mnlstables">
< 	<title>Updating MNLS Tables</title>
< 	<para>If you plan to import non-Latin-1 languages into the SAP-System,
< 	  you have to update the Multi National Language Support tables.
< 	  This is described in the SAP OSS-Notes 15023 and 45619. Otherwise,
< 	  you can skip this question during SAP installation.</para>
< 	<note><para>If you don't need MNLS, it is still necessary to check
< 	  table TCPDB and initializing it if this hasn't been done. See
< 	  SAP note 0015023 and 0045619 for further information.</para></note>
<       </sect3>
<         are then deleted.  This prevents lots of trouble if you need to
>         are then deleted.  This prevents lots of trouble if one needs to
< 	  installation (examples for IDES 46B, 1GB memory):</para>
> 	  installation:</para>
<       <sect3 id="restartr3setup">
< 	<title>Restart R3SETUP after fixing a problem</title>
<         <para>R3SETUP stops if it encounters an error. If you have
< 	  looked at the corresponding logfile and fixed the error,
< 	  you have to start R3SETUP again, usually selecting REPEAT
< 	  as option for the last step R3SETUP complained about.</para>
< 	<para>To restart R3SETUP, just start it with the corresponding
< 	  <emphasis>R3S-</emphasis>file:
<           <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>./R3SETUP -f CENTRDB.R3S</userinput></screen>
< 	  for 4.6B, or with
< 	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>./R3SETUP -f CENTRAL.R3S</userinput></screen>
< 	  for 4.6C, no matter whether the error occured
< 	  with <filename>CENTRAL.R3s</filename> or
< 	  <filename>DATABASE.R3S</filename>.</para>
< 	<note><para>At some stages, R3SETUP assumes that both database-
< 	  and SAP-processes are up and running (as those were steps
< 	  it already completed). Should errors occur
< 	  and for example the database could not be started, you
< 	  have to start both database and SAP by hand after you fixed
< 	  the errors and before starting R3SETUP again.</para>
< 	  <para>Don't forget to also start the oracle listener again
< 	  (as user <username>ora&lt;sid&gt</username> with
< 	  <command>umask 0; lsnrctl start</command>) if it was also
< 	  stopped (for example due to a reboot of the system).</para></note>
<       </sect3>
<         <para>If R3SETUP complains at this stage, edit the
< 	  template file R3SETUP used at that time
<           (<filename>CENTRDB.R3S</filename> (4.6B) or either
< 	  <filename>CENTRAL.R3S</filename> or
< 	  <filename>DATABASE.R3S</filename> (4.6C)).
< 	  Locate [OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA] or search for the
< 	  only <emphasis>STATUS=ERROR</emphasis>-entry
< 	  and edit the following values:</para>
>         <para>If R3SETUP complains at this stage, edit file
>           CENTRDB.R3S.  Locate [OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA] and edit the
>           following values:</para>
<         <programlisting>HOME=/home/&lt;sid&gt;adm (was empty)
>         <programlisting>HOME=/home/idsadm (was empty)
<         <para>Then you can restart R3SETUP again.</para>
>         <para>Then you can restart R3SETUP with:</para>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>./R3SETUP -f CENTRDB.R3S</userinput></screen>
<         <para>Possibly R3SETUP also complains at this stage. The error
< 	  here is similar to the one in phase OSUSERSIDADM_IND_ORA. 
< 	  Just edit
< 	  the template file R3SETUP used at that time
<           (<filename>CENTRDB.R3S</filename> (4.6B) or either
< 	  <filename>CENTRAL.R3S</filename> or
< 	  <filename>DATABASE.R3S</filename> (4.6C)).
< 	  Locate [OSUSERDBSID_IND_ORA] or search for the
< 	  only <emphasis>STATUS=ERROR</emphasis>-entry
< 	  and edit the following value in that section:</para>
>         <para>Possibly R3SETUP also complains at this stage. Just edit
>           CENTRDB.R3S.  Locate [OSUSERDBSID_IND_ORA] and edit the
>           following value in that section:</para>
<         <para>Then restart R3SETUP.</para>
>         <para>Then just restart R3SETUP again:</para>
>         <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>./R3SETUP -f CENTRDB.R3S</userinput></screen>
<         <para>Restart the SAP system. Now you can connect to the
>         <para>Restart the SAP system. Now one can connect to the
<       <sect3 id="ora-00001">
< 	<title>ORA-00001</title>
< 	<para>This error only happened with 
< 	  <application>Oracle 8.1.7</application> on FreeBSD 4.5.
< 	  The reason was that the Oracle database could not initialize itself
< 	  properly and crashed, leaving semaphores and shared memory on the
< 	  system. The next try to start the database then returned
< 	  <emphasis>ORA-00001</emphasis>.</para>
< 	<para>Find them with <command>ipcs -a</command> and remove them
< 	  with <command>ipcrm</command>.</para>
<       </sect3>
<       <sect3 id="ora-00445pmon">
< 	<title>ORA-00445 (background process PMON did not start)</title>
< 	<para>This error happened with <application>Oracle 8.1.7</application>.
< 	  This error is reported if the Database is started with the usual
< 	  startsap-script (for example <filename>startsap_majestix_00</filename>)
< 	  as user <username>prdadm</username>.</para>
< 	<para>A possible workaround is to start the database as user 
< 	  <username>oraprd</username> instead with <command>svrmgrl</command>:
< 	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>svrmgrl</userinput>
< SVRMGR&gt; <userinput>connect internal;</userinput>
< SVRMGR&gt; <userinput>startup</userinput>;
< SVRMGR&gt; <userinput>exit</userinput></screen>
<       </sect3>
<         <title>ORA-12546 (start Listener with Correct Permissions)</title>
>         <title>ORA-12546. Start Listener with Correct Permissions</title>
<         <para>Otherwise you might get ORA-12546 as the sockets will not
>         <para>Otherwise one might get ORA-12546 as the sockets will not
<       <sect3 id="ora-27102">
<         <title>ORA-27102 (out of memory)</title>
<         <para>This error happend whilst trying to use values for
< 	  <emphasis>MAXDSIZ</emphasis> and <emphasis>DFLDSIZ</emphasis>
< 	  greater than 1GB (1024x1024x1024>.</para>
< 	<para>Additionally, I got <emphasis>Linux Error 12: Cannot allocate memory</emphasis>
< 	  with values greater than 1 GB.</para>
<       </sect3>
<           terminates).  During the IDES-specific installation, for some
>           terminates).  During this specific installation, for some
<           the paths are generated dynamically using &lt;SID&gt; (in
>           the paths are generated dynamically using &lt;sid&gt; (in
<         <para>the following paths were used:</para>
>         <para>the following path were used:</para>
< /usr/sap/D00</programlisting>
> /usr/sap/D00i</programlisting>
<         this behavior. I did not encounter any of these problems with
< 	the <application>SAP 4.6C-</application>Installation.</para>
>         this behavior.</para>
< 	<para>During installation of <application>SAP 4.6C</application>,
<           this error was just the result of another error happening
< 	  earlier during installation. In this case, you have to look
< 	  through the corresponding logfiles and correct the real
< 	  problem.</para>
<         <para>If after looking through the logfiles this error is
< 	  indeed the correct one (check the SAP-notes), you can set 
< 	  STATUS of the offending step from ERROR to OK (file
>         <para>Set STATUS of the offending step from ERROR to OK (file
< 	<para>Here the same restrictions apply: Make sure by looking
< 	  through the logfiles, that this error is not caused by some
< 	  previous problems.</para>
<         <para>If you can confirm that it is the correct SAP-Note, just 
< 	  set STATUS of the offending step from ERROR to OK (file
>         <para>Set STATUS of the offending step from ERROR to OK (file
<       </sect3>
<       <sect3 id="sigactionsig31">
<         <title>sigaction sig31: File size limit exceeded</title>
< 	<para>This error occured during start of SAP-processes
< 	  <emphasis>disp+work</emphasis>. If starting SAP with the
< 	  startsap-script, subprocesses are then started which
< 	  detach and do the dirty work of starting all other SAP 
<           processes. As a result, the script itself won't notice
< 	  if something goes wrong.</para>
< 	<para>To check whether the SAP processes did start properly,
< 	  have a look at the process status with 
< 	  <command>ps ax | grep &lt;SID&gt;</command>, which will give
< 	  you a list of all Oracle- and SAP-processes. If it looks like
< 	  some processes are missing or if you can't connect to the SAP-System,
< 	  look at the corresponding logfiles which can be found
< 	  at <filename>/usr/sap/&lt;SID&gt;/DVEBMGS&lt;nr&gt;/work/</filename>.
< 	  The files to look at are <filename>dev_ms</filename> and 
< 	  <filename>dev_disp</filename>.</para>
< 	<para>Signal 31 happens here if the amount of shared memory used by
< 	  Oracle and SAP exceed the one defined within the kernel configuration
< 	  file and could be resolved by using a larger value:</para>
<         <programlisting># larger value for 46C production systems:
< options SHMMAXPGS=393216
< # smaller value sufficient for 46B:
< #options SHMMAXPGS=262144</programlisting>
<       </sect3>
<       <sect3 id="saposcolfails">
<         <title>Start of saposcol failed.</title>
< 	<para>There are some problems with Program saposcol (version 4.6D).
< 	  The SAP-System is using saposcol to collect data about the 
< 	  system performance. This program is not needed to use the SAP-System,
< 	  so this problem can be considered a minor one. The older versions
< 	  (4.6B) does work, but doesn't collect all the data (many calls will
< 	  just return 0, for example for CPU useage).</para>
How-To-Repeat:         Install SAP R/3 4.6C SR2 on a freshly installed FreeBSD 4.5-stable
        and write down everything you had to do, including the problems
        encountered and what solutions have been found.
Comment 1 Holger Kipp 2002-04-20 01:10:57 UTC
It is far too late over here. Forgot the -c for context diff <sigh>.
You can find the context-diff file at:


Sorry for the inconvenience.


Holger Kipp, Dipl.-Math., Systemadministrator  | alogis AG
Fon: +49 (0)30 / 43 65 8 - 114                 | Berliner Strasse 26
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 43 65 8 - 214                 | D-13507 Berlin Tegel
email: holger.kipp@alogis.com                  | http://www.alogis.com
Comment 2 Tom Rhodes freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2002-04-26 22:53:00 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-doc->trhodes

I started working on this, and figured telling everyone would be a good thing 
to do...
Comment 3 Tom Rhodes freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2002-04-26 23:32:56 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->feedback

Awaiting a reply and hopefully another patch from the submitter.
Comment 4 darklogik 2002-04-26 23:40:19 UTC

	Hello, my name is Tom Rhodes (trhodes) and I started working on
the patch you sent in for SAP R/3.  You have done a considerable amount
of work on this, and I would like to be sure its added.  However, when
I started working on it, I noticed some problems that need taken care

	Could you possibly fix the following things:

disc -> disk  unless you are talking about a cd.

remove the installing/configureing FreeBSD, its covered elsewhere,
please just list specifics.

We have a considerable amount of whitespace here, at the beginning and
end, all tags should hug their character data, hence:  <para>blah blah

The use of screen, you have 2 &prompt.root; parts in the <screen> tag,
could you just close that tag as it should hug the data also, and carry
the next commend to the next line?

Please use 8 space tabs in areas where they are required, anything less
than 8 characters in can simply be spaced.

Make sure the work builds before you send it, using a make lint, and
then use diff -ru for a nicer, and considerably smaller output.  Please
let me know, and thanks alot for the wonderful job so far!

Tom (Darklogik) Rhodes
www.FreeBSD.org  -The Power To Serve
www.Pittgoth.com -Pittgoth Discussion Portal
trhodes@{Pittgoth.com, FreeBSD.org}
PGP key by www:
Comment 5 Holger Kipp 2002-04-29 16:01:13 UTC
Tom Rhodes wrote:
> Holger,
>         Hello, my name is Tom Rhodes (trhodes) and I started working on
> the patch you sent in for SAP R/3.  You have done a considerable amount
> of work on this, and I would like to be sure its added.  However, when
> I started working on it, I noticed some problems that need taken care
> of.
>         Could you possibly fix the following things:
> disc -> disk  unless you are talking about a cd.

Done - (I surely missed one or two, though)

> remove the installing/configureing FreeBSD, its covered elsewhere,
> please just list specifics.

Done. (originally I wrote this as stand alone docu, so...)

> We have a considerable amount of whitespace here, at the beginning and
> end, all tags should hug their character data, hence:  <para>blah blah
> blah</para>

Should be fixed. (Need a hug also ;-)

> The use of screen, you have 2 &prompt.root; parts in the <screen> tag,
> could you just close that tag as it should hug the data also, and carry
> the next commend to the next line?

Not sure what you mean here. I tried to clean up all <screen>-tags I found,
hope I got the one you're refering to...

> Please use 8 space tabs in areas where they are required, anything less
> than 8 characters in can simply be spaced.

I changed a few leading "        " to \t, but this surely isn't what you meant,
or is it? (for your convenience, I produced a diff -bru also)

> Make sure the work builds before you send it, using a make lint, and
> then use diff -ru for a nicer, and considerably smaller output.  Please
> let me know, and thanks alot for the wonderful job so far!

http://www.hkipp.de/sapr3.html           (=> make lint and make work for me)

http://www.hkipp.de/chapter.diff         (diff old.sgml new.sgml)
http://www.hkipp.de/chapter.diff-c       (diff -c old.sgml new.sgml)
http://www.hkipp.de/chapter.diff-ru      (diff -ru old.sgml new.smgl)
http://www.hkipp.de/chapter.diff-bru     (diff ignoring whitespace changes)

FreeBSD Documentation Project: Submitting documentation" needs updating
then, as it says:

        3. Make the diff. The command to do this is

           % diff -c foo.sgml.old foo.sgml > foo.diff


Holger Kipp, Dipl.-Math., Systemadministrator  | alogis AG
Fon: +49 (0)30 / 43 65 8 - 114                 | Berliner Strasse 26
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 43 65 8 - 214                 | D-13507 Berlin Tegel
email: holger.kipp@alogis.com                  | http://www.alogis.com
Comment 6 Holger Kipp 2002-05-06 15:25:03 UTC
Tom Rhodes wrote:
> On Thu, 02 May 2002 13:23:12 +0200
> Holger Kipp <holger.kipp@alogis.com> wrote:
> > Tom Rhodes wrote:
> > >
> > > On Mon, 29 Apr 2002 08:20:03 -0700 (PDT)
> >
> > >         Got your new diff, and applied it.  Although it still needs
> > > some work.  You may want to evaluate the idea of using smaller
> > > patches,
> > > this work isn't going to do itself so you have time.  Also, the
> > > hunks of 11 and 23 failed on the bru patch, when I applied it, you
> > > may wish to evaulate this.
> >
> > I created the diffs against Version
> >  1.66 2002/03/27 01:16:54 keramida, but the latest is already
> >  1.69 2002/04/29 12:22:28 ceri
> Unfortunatly this is why it fails, as Ceri made enough changes to

Latest diff (against 1.69) is now at http://www.hkipp.de/chapter.diff-bru

> > So instead of one <screen></screen> for several user interactions,
> > you'd prefer using <screen></screen> once per line?
> Pretty much, this will help to keep everything from running off the
> screen.

I checked the usage of <screen></screen> in other documents, and it
is used (to my understanding) similar to html-tag <pre></pre>, interpreting
carriage return as a real line break. So imho using <screen></screen> for
every single line doesn't make sense.

> >
> > > And listitem should also have line breaks:
> > >
> > >         <listitem>
> > >           <para>blahblah</para>
> > >         <listitem>

similar to <note><para>... I also found lots of <listitem><para>, but not
the other way round.

If this should be changed, I'd suggest changing the whole linuxemu/chapter.sgml
in one go as a "fix formatting only" later on, and not mix two different styles
as well as changing content with my changes.

> Well, please don't mix whitespace changes (ie spaces, newlines etc) in
> old documentation, either remove the line, change it, but don't use the
> enter key afterwords.  This makes it difficult for the translation teams
> to work with it.

> If you prefer a large diff, then I will be more than happy to work with
> it, long as we make the application of it as painless as possible.
> Enjoy, if you have ANY questions please send me an email ;)  Thanks alot
> for all the work!

"make lint" and "make" did finish successfully. the resulting sapr3.html
is available at http://www.hkipp.de/sapr3.html

Would be nice if this could go in before 4.6-RELEASE.


Holger Kipp, Dipl.-Math., Systemadministrator  | alogis AG
Fon: +49 (0)30 / 43 65 8 - 114                 | Berliner Strasse 26
Fax: +49 (0)30 / 43 65 8 - 214                 | D-13507 Berlin Tegel
email: holger.kipp@alogis.com                  | http://www.alogis.com
Comment 7 Tom Rhodes freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2002-05-06 17:04:41 UTC
State Changed
From-To: feedback->closed

I have applied your latest patch to the linuxemu/chapter.sgml file, it 
may take up to 24 hours for it to appear on the website.  Thanks for your 
submission and all the work you have done. 

I'll beat this file with a structure hammer later...