Not putting "" around the phone number in the ppp.conf file and putting a space in the number stops ppp dialing out. This error is not in the ppp primer, Handbook or FAQ. It can easily happen if you follow the format of /usr/share/doc/examples/ppp/ppp.conf.sample. Fix: Note on line 12 of the smaple configuration in the handbook's 'user ppp' section should be clearer, and perhaps a mention should be added in the faq. /usr/share/doc/examples/ppp/ppp.conf.sample should include "" around the phone number. How-To-Repeat: Doc Problem. Program behaviour is ok as "" fix problem but just to be clear: Change the 'phone' field in you /etc/ppp/ppp.conf file to contain a space (and don't put "" around it).
State Changed From-To: open->closed I have just updated the ppp.conf information. Thanks!