A simple GUI reference tool for Tcl/Tk, Tix, Tnm, and related utilities and libraries. Written all in Tcl/Tk. It consolidates a quick-reference about the various commands and widgets. Each is labelled as to being a ``widget'', part of ``Safe Tcl'' (hence usable in SCRIPT embedding in HTML), and all included items are indexed in a browser at the left of the window. No ManPages because it *is* essentially a condensed manpage. although all it repeats from the Manpages is what belongs in the SYNOPSIS. I set it for `devel/' and `x11/' 67654 bytes installed in a single script, plus 4k for the package registry in /var/db/pkg/ Port .tgz'd to 993 bytes, including md5 file, distribution .tar.gz'd to 18414 bytes, and package, similarly tgz'd to 19557 bytes. Installs belonging to root.staff so if that's not your preference (it *is* mine), change the Makefile before installing. With this dinky size, all 3 are in incoming/ Fix: When someone at FreeBSD.org needs to get a quickie out of the way, this should take little time to validate and move into the tree. How-To-Repeat: Although I've not tried it on Mac, Windows nor Windows95/NT, it *should* work and be accurate for versions up to the v8 that's in alpha or beta, now. But FreeBSD gets it first :) I haven't even gotten it up on my site yet. (will be at URL: http://gtcs.com/ai/software/tkref-1.01.tar.gz or thereabouts.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Imported, thanks. I changed the dependency to tk80, it seems to work.