Envisioning a repo-copy of www/screem to www/screem2, this is the Gnome/2 version of screem, the Gnome web design tool. Fix: A repo-copy of www/screem to www/screem2 should be done first. How-To-Repeat: N/A
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->marcus I'll take this.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed with some modifications, thanks! I sorted the plist, and removed some entries owned by other packages. I also added a patch to not install .la files, then satisified a missing SSL link. Finally, I added a patch to fix the copying of initial preferences to a user's home directory. You might want to funnel patch-src_fileops.c back to the screem author. In any event, I hope this is okay. Thanks for your submission.