${PORTSDIR}/japanese/expect is broken. This ports depend on ${PORTSDIR}/lang/expect. And it was updated. but ja-expect is not. So, Broken. Fix: Please apply following patch named "ja-expect.patch.gz". and delete ${PORTSDIR}/japanese/expect/patches/patch-a[e-h]. They are NOT needed now. This patch also need patch file for lang/expect. "lang-expect.patch.gz" is it.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Thanks, committed. By the way, there was a typo in patch-aa: the @ at the end of "@includedir@" was interrupted by another variable. I moved it in front, but then it installed the header file into "include/expect", not "include/expect5.25jp" like the PLIST says. At that point I gave up and explicitly specified "expect5.25jp" in there.