Added two another fdisking;) utilities from this package: sfdisk (command-line batch tool) and cfdisk (curses-based interactive tool). Renamed binaries. Among many variants as lfdisk, linfdisk, linuxfdisk, etc., I decided that fdisk-linux, cfdisk-linux, sfdisk-linux will be almost optimal (not better, but the least bad). The criteria was visual parseability and easiness of completion in bash/zsh ;) Removed unneeded building cludges (symlink for WRKSRC, copying of manpages). Fixed some system-dependent issues: synchronizing on GEOM'ed 5.* which is unfixably implicit and not forceable; get slice size on 4.x using trick based on DIOCGSLICEINFO. PORTREVISION wasn't bumped in attached contents. Fix: Full port contents are attached.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed. Thanks!