A port of the ircd-RU IRC daemon. ircd-RU! is a modern and powerful IRC server which is based on Bahamut-1.4.35, the DALnet IRC server software, and supports translation schemes, 8-bit nicknames, 8-bit case-insensitive names processing and lots of other useful features. Check the ircd-RU! Change Log for a full list of the features implemented and ToDo for a list of features that are scheduled to implement. WWW: http://www.ircd.ru/
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->krion I'll handle it.
State Changed From-To: open->feedback Could you please provide the new version with non-hardcoded ${PREFIX} ?
State Changed From-To: feedback->open osa@ will help MAINTAINER to build new port's version
Responsible Changed From-To: krion->osa osa@ will help MAINTAINER to build new port's version
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, thanks!