If fvwm-2.5.8 is built without iconv support it can coredump when opening menus. For a detailed problem description see the thread at the fvwm-workers mailing list: http://www.hpc.uh.edu/fvwm/archive/0311/msg00049.html . The port does not correctly point configure to the place where iconv is installed and is thus always built without iconv support. Fix: Point configure to /usr/local/lib where iconv is installed and make iconv support mandatory by applying the following patch: How-To-Repeat: cd /usr/ports/x11-wm/fvwm2-devel && make install A sample configuration which can be used to reproduce the crash is provided by the post to the fvwm-workers mailing list mentioned above.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->cy Over to maintainer
State Changed From-To: open->closed Fixed.