Bug 59997 - /usr/local/bin/ant ignores USE_JAVA settings
Summary: /usr/local/bin/ant ignores USE_JAVA settings
Status: Closed FIXED
Alias: None
Product: Ports & Packages
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Individual Port(s) (show other bugs)
Version: Latest
Hardware: Any Any
: Normal Affects Only Me
Assignee: Greg Lewis
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-12-06 23:20 UTC by Matthew Seaman
Modified: 2004-08-06 14:39 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:

bsd.java.mk.diff (603 bytes, patch)
2003-12-06 23:20 UTC, Matthew Seaman
no flags Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Matthew Seaman 2003-12-06 23:20:23 UTC
If you have multiple Java JDKs or JREs installed, and you install a
port that uses devel/apache-ant to compile java sources, you may well
end up using a different JVM version to compile than would be
indicated by the USE_JAVA variable in the port Makefile.

While bsd.java.mk uses it's own JAVA_HOME make variable to provide an
explicit path to any java-related binaries, ant uses a shell script
wrapper which can't see the make variables, instead using the value of
JAVA_HOME from the environment to generate the full path to one of the
possible java binaries.

Fix: All the ports that use ant do so in much the same way.  Factor out the
common code, and provide a 'USE_ANT' variable to enable a slightly
modified version of it that propagates ${JAVA_HOME} into the ant
This Makefile illustrates the problem.  Try running it with various
values of JAVA_HOME in your environment (or unset JAVA_HOME), plus
try various USE_JAVA settings:

    % env JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.4.2 make USE_JAVA=1.3

--- Makefile.shar begins here ---
# This is a shell archive.  Save it in a file, remove anything before
# this line, and then unpack it by entering "sh file".  Note, it may
# create directories; files and directories will be owned by you and
# have default permissions.
# This archive contains:
#	Makefile
echo x - Makefile
sed 's/^X//' >Makefile << 'END-of-Makefile'
XCOMMENT=	No comment
Xall: good bad
X	@${ECHO} '$${USE_JAVA} = ${USE_JAVA}'
Xbad: common
X	@${ECHO} "Bah! Humbug! -----------------------------------------"
X	@${ECHO} "------------------------------------------------------"
X	ant -diagnostics
X	@${ECHO} "------------------------------------------------------"
Xgood: common
X	@${ECHO} "As it should be --------------------------------------"
X	@${ECHO} "------------------------------------------------------"
X	${SETENV} ${JAVA_ENV} ant -diagnostics
X	@${ECHO} "------------------------------------------------------"
X.include <bsd.port.mk>
--- Makefile.shar ends here ---
Comment 1 Mark Linimon freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2003-12-07 17:48:01 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->znerd

Over to maintainer.
Comment 2 Hervé Quiroz 2004-03-01 18:57:43 UTC

I already discussed such an issue with Ernst (Ant support in bsd.java.mk) and
even provided some patch. But I failed at providing a simple solution to start
with. I personally like your minimalist approach. Currently, there are 29 ports
that use Ant at build stage. Amongst them, 21 ports define a ANT variable that
represents the same as in your patch, that is the command line to exectue Ant
(but with no prior setting of JAVA_HOME). Both lists are included at the end of
this message.

I am not the maintainer of bsd.java.mk but, as you are aware of, I am
contributing to the current effort to implement a new JDK dependency checking
system (more stable, flexible...) in version 2.0. IMHO, the problem you report
here is clearly in the scope of this effort, and so I vote +1 for the merge
of your patch in bsd.java.mk 2.0 (with a slight modification though, that I
will explain further in this message). If the maintainer (Ernst) agrees with
this (he is also maintaining devel/apache-ant BTW), I will make a new release
for bsd.java.mk 2.0 with support for Ant.

Anyway, as you are aware of, it will not change anything to the current
behaviour of ports. Indeed, some additional work will be required right after
the commit of bsd.java.mk 2.0 to have existing ports actually use this feature.
But the fact that most of the ports already use a ANT variable will hopefully
speed up things a little.  Therefore, I think this PR should not be closed

  - bsd.java.mk 2.0 gets commited
  - existing ports that use Apache Ant are upgraded
  - a statement regarding USE_ANT is included in the porters's handbook
  - portlint warns when Ant is not used the right way



* The slight modification I spoke of: 

   if (${USE_ANT} == "YES") || (${USE_ANT} == "yes")

IMHO, this test is not necessary as I cannot think of any case where a port
would use "NO" as a value for USE_ANT. So I think bsd.java.mk should only test
if USE_ANT is actually defined. Anyway, as you may already know, I like
splitting hair so that's probably not so important.

* List of ports that have Apache-Ant (devel/apache-ant) amongst their

  - databases/erserver
  - databases/mysql-connector-java
  - databases/postgresql-jdbc
  - devel/colorer
  - editors/openoffice-1.0
  - editors/openoffice-1.1
  - editors/openoffice-2.0-devel
  - java/eclipse
  - java/jakarta-commons-beanutils
  - java/jakarta-commons-cli
  - java/jakarta-commons-collections
  - java/jakarta-commons-dbcp
  - java/jakarta-commons-lang
  - java/jakarta-commons-logging
  - java/jakarta-commons-pool
  - java/jakarta-oro
  - java/jakarta-regexp
  - java/java-checkstyle
  - java/jdom
  - java/jfreechart
  - java/jump
  - java/xdoclet
  - net/spread-j
  - textproc/ant-xinclude-task
  - textproc/xerces-j
  - textproc/xincluder
  - textproc/xmlenc
  - textproc/xalan-j
  - www/jetspeed

  (29 ports)

* List of ports that define ${ANT}:

  - databases/mysql-connector-java
  - devel/colorer
  - editors/openoffice-1.0
  - editors/openoffice-1.1
  - editors/openoffice-2.0-devel
  - java/jakarta-commons-beanutils
  - java/jakarta-commons-cli
  - java/jakarta-commons-collections
  - java/jakarta-commons-dbcp
  - java/jakarta-commons-lang
  - java/jakarta-commons-logging
  - java/jakarta-commons-pool
  - java/jdom 
  - java/jfreechart
  - java/jump 
  - net/spread-j 
  - textproc/ant-xinclude-task
  - textproc/xerces-j
  - textproc/xincluder
  - textproc/xmlenc
  - textproc/xalan-j

  (21 ports)
Comment 3 Hervé Quiroz 2004-03-08 14:04:11 UTC
[Here is a mail I received from Matthew (originator of this PR) and that I
forward with permission]


On Mon, Mar 01, 2004 at 07:57:43PM +0100, Herve Quiroz wrote:

> I am not the maintainer of bsd.java.mk but, as you are aware of, I am
> contributing to the current effort to implement a new JDK dependency checking
> system (more stable, flexible...) in version 2.0. IMHO, the problem you report
> here is clearly in the scope of this effort, and so I vote +1 for the merge
> of your patch in bsd.java.mk 2.0 (with a slight modification though, that I
> will explain further in this message). If the maintainer (Ernst) agrees with
> this (he is also maintaining devel/apache-ant BTW), I will make a new release
> for bsd.java.mk 2.0 with support for Ant.

Excellent.  Thank you very much indeed.
> * The slight modification I spoke of: 
>    if (${USE_ANT} == "YES") || (${USE_ANT} == "yes")
> IMHO, this test is not necessary as I cannot think of any case where a port
> would use "NO" as a value for USE_ANT. So I think bsd.java.mk should only test
> if USE_ANT is actually defined. Anyway, as you may already know, I like
> splitting hair so that's probably not so important.

Yes -- I was in two minds about putting that in myself.  I think I
decided to on the basis that a similar construct was used elsewhere in
bsd.java.mk, but your modification will fit the bill just as well.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       26 The Paddocks
                                                      Savill Way
PGP: http://www.infracaninophile.co.uk/pgpkey         Marlow
Tel: +44 1628 476614                                  Bucks., SL7 1TH UK
Comment 4 Greg Lewis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2004-07-16 23:53:00 UTC
Responsible Changed
From-To: znerd->glewis

I'll take this as I'm committing most of the changes to bsd.java.mk these days.
Comment 5 Greg Lewis 2004-07-27 06:48:30 UTC
Hmmm, I wonder if we shouldn't go a step further and hijack do-build: if
USE_ANT is set.  Here is a preliminary patch.  Hopefully this won't get too
mangled.  I've tested it briefly and it seems to do what I intend.  There
are still a few issues:

1. I'm not sure I have the interaction between USE_ANT and JAVA_BUILD
   settings worked out correctly.
2. Documentation both in bsd.java.mk in comments and in the porter's
   handbook is missing.
3. I'm not 100% sure about the variable names (maybe we should just use
   ALL_TARGET instead of inventing our own thing, similarly MAKE_ENV,
   etc.).  See the do-build in bsd.port.mk for some examples.

Anyway, with this in place you should be able to do:

USE_ANT=	yes
ANT_TARGET=	target

and have the port build correctly without having to define your own
do-build: target in the port or any other related variables.

Index: bsd.java.mk
RCS file: /home/pcvs/ports/Mk/bsd.java.mk,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -r1.50 bsd.java.mk
--- bsd.java.mk	27 Jul 2004 05:16:34 -0000	1.50
+++ bsd.java.mk	27 Jul 2004 05:39:56 -0000
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
 .		if defined(JAVA_EXTRACT)
 .		endif
-.		if defined(JAVA_BUILD)
+.		if defined(JAVA_BUILD) || defined(USE_ANT)
 .			if defined(NO_BUILD)
 	@${ECHO_CMD} "${PKGNAME}: Makefile error: JAVA_BUILD and NO_BUILD cannot be set at the same time.";
@@ -406,6 +406,14 @@
 .		endif
+.		if defined(USE_ANT)
+ANT?=				${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${ANT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/apache-ant
+					@(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
+.		endif
 # Stage 7: Define all settings for the port to use
Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis@eyesbeyond.com
Eyes Beyond                         Web     : http://www.eyesbeyond.com
Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis@FreeBSD.org
Comment 6 Hervé Quiroz 2004-07-29 12:31:58 UTC

On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 11:48:30PM -0600, Greg Lewis wrote:
> 1. I'm not sure I have the interaction between USE_ANT and JAVA_BUILD
>    settings worked out correctly.

I think there are many ways of dealing with this issue. So far, here are
the questions I am asking myself in order to find a solution:

- Does USE_ANT implicitely means JAVA_BUILD ?
- If not, what should be the behaviour of bsd.java.mk when JAVA_BUILD
  and USE_ANT are set ?
IMHO, USE_ANT means that Ant will be required to build the port. So
USE_ANT should mean JAVA_BUILD=jdk and thus the first hunk in your patch
is no longer needed.

> 2. Documentation both in bsd.java.mk in comments and in the porter's
>    handbook is missing.

I can handle that if you want.

> 3. I'm not 100% sure about the variable names (maybe we should just use
>    ALL_TARGET instead of inventing our own thing, similarly MAKE_ENV,
>    etc.).  See the do-build in bsd.port.mk for some examples.

ALL_TARGET could indeed be used with Ant. The main difference is that
there is no 'all' default target with Ant. So when USE_ANT is set,
ALL_TARGETS should probably be set to an empty string by bsd.java.mk so
that it would run the default target (build.xml:/project/@default) when
nothing is specified by the port (assuming build.xml actually has a
specified default target).

> +.		if defined(USE_ANT)
> +ANT?=				${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant
> +BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${ANT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/apache-ant
> +do-build:
> +					@(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
> +						${SETENV} ${ANT_ENV} ${ANT} ${ANT_FLAGS} ${ANT_TARGET})
> +.		endif

If you want to mimic a bit more the way GMAKE is handled, I think we
should also test whether the 'do-build' target is already defined or
not, so that Java porters get Ant support but still are able to
customize the port. e.g.:

.if defined(USE_ANT) && !target(do-build)

BTW, do you think that ANT_INCLUDE_SHARED_JARS should be supported in
bsd.java.mk ? There are two ways of dealing with that:

- The porter manually adds ANT_INCLUDE_SHARED_JARS=yes to ANT_ENV
- The porters defines ANT_INCLUDE_SHARED_JARS in the Makefile and
  bsd.java.mk automatically adds ANT_INCLUDE_SHARED_JARS=yes to ANT_ENV.

By saying that, I must add that I am not personally in favor of either
method... so it's probably better to leave it as-is for now (that is,
porters will have to do so manually).

Overall, I have to say that I think this would be a great addition to
bsd.java.mk. This could save  Java porters and commiters a lot of time
and effort. Furthermore, it will probably also unify the way Java ports
are implemented, which is a good thing IMHO.

Comment 7 Greg Lewis 2004-07-30 19:19:51 UTC
Hi Herve,

On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 01:31:58PM +0200, Herve Quiroz wrote:
> Greg,
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2004 at 11:48:30PM -0600, Greg Lewis wrote:
> > 1. I'm not sure I have the interaction between USE_ANT and JAVA_BUILD
> >    settings worked out correctly.
> I think there are many ways of dealing with this issue. So far, here are
> the questions I am asking myself in order to find a solution:
> - Does USE_ANT implicitely means JAVA_BUILD ?
> - If not, what should be the behaviour of bsd.java.mk when JAVA_BUILD
>   and USE_ANT are set ?
> IMHO, USE_ANT means that Ant will be required to build the port. So
> USE_ANT should mean JAVA_BUILD=jdk and thus the first hunk in your patch
> is no longer needed.

Agreed.  I've replaced it with a section that automatically sets JAVA_BUILD
if USE_ANT is set.  I think that this is what is wanted?

> > 2. Documentation both in bsd.java.mk in comments and in the porter's
> >    handbook is missing.
> I can handle that if you want.

Your offer is appreciated :).  Let wait until we have the final version
ready to go though.

> > 3. I'm not 100% sure about the variable names (maybe we should just use
> >    ALL_TARGET instead of inventing our own thing, similarly MAKE_ENV,
> >    etc.).  See the do-build in bsd.port.mk for some examples.
> ALL_TARGET could indeed be used with Ant. The main difference is that
> there is no 'all' default target with Ant. So when USE_ANT is set,
> ALL_TARGETS should probably be set to an empty string by bsd.java.mk so
> that it would run the default target (build.xml:/project/@default) when
> nothing is specified by the port (assuming build.xml actually has a
> specified default target).

Thanks, its been a while since I used ant very much.  I've updated the
patch to set ALL_TARGET as blank if it hasn't been set in the port.

> > +.		if defined(USE_ANT)
> > +ANT?=				${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant
> > +BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${ANT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/apache-ant
> > +do-build:
> > +					@(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
> > +						${SETENV} ${ANT_ENV} ${ANT} ${ANT_FLAGS} ${ANT_TARGET})
> > +.		endif
> If you want to mimic a bit more the way GMAKE is handled, I think we
> should also test whether the 'do-build' target is already defined or
> not, so that Java porters get Ant support but still are able to
> customize the port. e.g.:
> .if defined(USE_ANT) && !target(do-build)
> 	[...]
> .endif

Good idea.  I've incorporated that too.

> BTW, do you think that ANT_INCLUDE_SHARED_JARS should be supported in
> bsd.java.mk ? There are two ways of dealing with that:
> - The porter manually adds ANT_INCLUDE_SHARED_JARS=yes to ANT_ENV
> - The porters defines ANT_INCLUDE_SHARED_JARS in the Makefile and
>   bsd.java.mk automatically adds ANT_INCLUDE_SHARED_JARS=yes to ANT_ENV.
> By saying that, I must add that I am not personally in favor of either
> method... so it's probably better to leave it as-is for now (that is,
> porters will have to do so manually).


> Overall, I have to say that I think this would be a great addition to
> bsd.java.mk. This could save  Java porters and commiters a lot of time
> and effort. Furthermore, it will probably also unify the way Java ports
> are implemented, which is a good thing IMHO.

Here is the updated patch.  Let me know what you think.  I think its pretty
close to being ready to commit.

Index: bsd.java.mk
RCS file: /var/fcvs/ports/Mk/bsd.java.mk,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -r1.50 bsd.java.mk
--- bsd.java.mk	27 Jul 2004 05:16:34 -0000	1.50
+++ bsd.java.mk	30 Jul 2004 18:05:31 -0000
@@ -262,6 +262,9 @@
 .				endif
 .			endif
+.			if defined(USE_ANT)
+.			endif
 .		endif
@@ -406,6 +409,17 @@
 .		endif
+.		if defined(USE_ANT)
+ANT?=				${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${ANT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/apache-ant
+.			if !target(do-build)
+					@(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
+.			endif
+.		endif
 # Stage 7: Define all settings for the port to use

Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis@eyesbeyond.com
Eyes Beyond                         Web     : http://www.eyesbeyond.com
Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis@FreeBSD.org
Comment 8 Hervé Quiroz 2004-08-01 10:11:08 UTC
Hi Greg,

On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 12:19:51PM -0600, Greg Lewis wrote:
> > IMHO, USE_ANT means that Ant will be required to build the port. So
> > USE_ANT should mean JAVA_BUILD=jdk and thus the first hunk in your patch
> > is no longer needed.
> Agreed.  I've replaced it with a section that automatically sets JAVA_BUILD
> if USE_ANT is set.  I think that this is what is wanted?

I noticed a little problem with your latest patch. Indeed,
JAVA_BUILD=jdk is set when USE_ANT is defined but only when using
bsd.java.mk 1.0 backward compatibility mode as the conditional statement
comes nested in some '.if (${_USE_BSD_JAVA_MK_1_0} == "yes")' statement.

Here is a patch with the suggested modification as well as the
documentation in the header of the file:

--- begin of bsd.java.mk.diff ---
--- bsd.java.mk.orig	Tue Jul 27 07:16:34 2004
+++ bsd.java.mk	Sun Aug  1 10:53:28 2004
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@
 # USE_JIKES			Whether the port should or should not use jikes(1) to build.
+# USE_ANT			Should be defined when the port uses Apache Ant. Ant is thus
+#					considered to be the sub-make command. When no 'do-build'
+#					target is defined by the port, a default one will be set
+#					that simply runs Ant according to MAKE_ENV, MAKE_ARGS and
+#					ALL_TARGETS. Read the documentation in bsd.port.mk for more
+#					information.
 # Variables defined for the port:
@@ -381,6 +388,11 @@
 # Stage 6: Add any dependencies if necessary
+# Ant Support: USE_ANT --> JAVA_BUILD=jdk
+.		if defined(USE_ANT)
+.		endif
 # Add the JDK port to the dependencies
 # When nothing is set, assume JAVA_BUILD=jdk and JAVA_RUN=jre
@@ -406,6 +418,18 @@
 .		endif
+# Ant support: default do-build target
+.		if defined(USE_ANT)
+ANT?=				${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant
+BUILD_DEPENDS+=		${ANT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/apache-ant
+.			if !target(do-build)
+					@(cd ${BUILD_WRKSRC}; \
+.			endif
+.		endif
 # Stage 7: Define all settings for the port to use
--- end of bsd.java.mk.diff ---

Because this patch will be much easier to test with a port, here is a
patch for java/jakarta-commons-collections to have it using the proposed

--- begin of jakarta-commons-collections.diff ---
--- Makefile.orig	Sun Aug  1 10:47:14 2004
+++ Makefile	Sun Aug  1 10:48:36 2004
@@ -16,26 +16,21 @@
 MAINTAINER=	znerd@FreeBSD.org
 COMMENT=	Classes that extend/augment the Java Collections Framework
-BUILD_DEPENDS=	${ANT}:${PORTSDIR}/devel/apache-ant
 USE_JAVA=	yes
+USE_ANT=	yes
-ANT?=		${LOCALBASE}/bin/ant
 .if !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
-ANT_TARGET+=	javadoc
+ALL_TARGET+=	javadoc
-	@cd ${WRKSRC} && ${ANT} ${ANT_TARGET}
 	@${ECHO_CMD} -n ">> Installing JAR as ${JAVAJARDIR}/${DESTJARFILE}..."
--- end of jakarta-commons-collections.diff ---

Unfortunately, with the moving of the USE_ANT --> JAVA_BUILD=jdk
definition, a port may not define USE_ANT and NO_BUILD simultaneously
anymore. Indeed, when JAVA_BUILD and NO_BUILD are set, the
check-makevars target will produce some error statement. You may test
this by running the following (java/trove4j is a binary port):

$ cd /usr/ports/java/trove4j
$ make -DUSE_ANT
trove4j-1.1b3: Makefile error: JAVA_BUILD and NO_BUILD cannot be set at the same time.
*** Error code 1

Now we need to decide if this is really a problem. I mean, is there
really a case where Ant would be used for anything but building the
port? And does such a case happen so frequently that it needs to be
supported? IMHO, it's not worth it but I bet you can prove me wrong with
the right (set of) example(s).


PS: I now realize that chosing a test port that is neither maintained by
you and I is not such a good idea... Sorry for that.
Comment 9 Greg Lewis 2004-08-02 06:26:31 UTC
Hi Herve,

On Sun, Aug 01, 2004 at 11:11:08AM +0200, Herve Quiroz wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 30, 2004 at 12:19:51PM -0600, Greg Lewis wrote:
> > > IMHO, USE_ANT means that Ant will be required to build the port. So
> > > USE_ANT should mean JAVA_BUILD=jdk and thus the first hunk in your patch
> > > is no longer needed.
> > 
> > Agreed.  I've replaced it with a section that automatically sets JAVA_BUILD
> > if USE_ANT is set.  I think that this is what is wanted?
> I noticed a little problem with your latest patch. Indeed,
> JAVA_BUILD=jdk is set when USE_ANT is defined but only when using
> bsd.java.mk 1.0 backward compatibility mode as the conditional statement
> comes nested in some '.if (${_USE_BSD_JAVA_MK_1_0} == "yes")' statement.

D'oh, good catch!

> Here is a patch with the suggested modification as well as the
> documentation in the header of the file:
> --- begin of bsd.java.mk.diff ---
> --- end of bsd.java.mk.diff ---

Thanks for the review, I'll get this committed tomorrow.

> Because this patch will be much easier to test with a port, here is a
> patch for java/jakarta-commons-collections to have it using the proposed
> features:
> --- begin of jakarta-commons-collections.diff ---
> --- end of jakarta-commons-collections.diff ---

I had a similar test patch for a different port :).

> Unfortunately, with the moving of the USE_ANT --> JAVA_BUILD=jdk
> definition, a port may not define USE_ANT and NO_BUILD simultaneously
> anymore. Indeed, when JAVA_BUILD and NO_BUILD are set, the
> check-makevars target will produce some error statement. You may test
> this by running the following (java/trove4j is a binary port):
> $ cd /usr/ports/java/trove4j
> $ make -DUSE_ANT
> trove4j-1.1b3: Makefile error: JAVA_BUILD and NO_BUILD cannot be set at the same time.
> *** Error code 1
> Now we need to decide if this is really a problem. I mean, is there
> really a case where Ant would be used for anything but building the
> port? And does such a case happen so frequently that it needs to be
> supported? IMHO, it's not worth it but I bet you can prove me wrong with
> the right (set of) example(s).

I'm not aware of any port which uses ant but doesn't use it to build
a jar by compiling things with javac.  I think this isn't a problem.
If it ever becomes a problem I think it will be simple to fix.  The
current patch seems to be very sensible in assuming USE_ANT implies
JAVA_BUILD=jdk and I think we should leave it this way for now, as it
adds in error checking that will make sense in all the cases we
know of.

> PS: I now realize that chosing a test port that is neither maintained by
> you and I is not such a good idea... Sorry for that.

I did the same thing with my test patches, so no need to be sorry :).

Greg Lewis                          Email   : glewis@eyesbeyond.com
Eyes Beyond                         Web     : http://www.eyesbeyond.com
Information Technology              FreeBSD : glewis@FreeBSD.org
Comment 10 Greg Lewis freebsd_committer freebsd_triage 2004-08-06 14:38:57 UTC
State Changed
From-To: open->closed

Ant support is fixed, individual ports now need to be fixed to use it.