update of afterstep144 port: - AS is now packageable (pkg_add can handle weird chars now) so NO_PACKAGE removed - stole some asmodem patches from a pending PR by Sean Cole for a separate asmodem port (thanks Sean) so now asmodem is made w/ AS - update PLIST to recognize this - removed scripts directory (it's empty - I thought I said to do this before, but it's still there - can we PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE change the name of the port to something that actually reflects the version! The port builds AS- and the port is named afterstep144! AS-1.5 is in pre-release now and I believe that it will be able to replace the 1.0 port so maybe this isn't so big a deal, but it's a bit annoying. As it is, you can make use old .steprc files so maybe it can replace the 1.0 port right now. -shrug- How-To-Repeat: apply diff below
State Changed From-To: open->closed Submitted patch applied, thanks. I have removed the zero-length "configure" script. That file was never removed, and resulted from patch(1) truncating instead of deleting files. Now that the "scripts" directory is empty, it will disappear, thanks to the magic of CVS. MASTER_SITE and PATCH_SITE have also changed, as noted in email.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports->mph