The Makefile for the sysutils/upsd port generates the wrong upsd.conf path in the generated config.h header file. Left to its own devices, it creates: #define _PATH_UPSD_CONF "/usr/local/upsd.conf" instead of: #define _PATH_UPSD_CONF "/usr/local/etc/upsd.conf" "make install" however creates the upsd.conf file under /usr/local/etc, so after the make install, upsd will fail to find its config file and die. Fix: Here's a patch for the sysutils/upsd/Makefile to fix the problem. (Note that the post-install already does the right thing.) How-To-Repeat: Go to sysutils/upsd, type "make clean", then "make", and look at the generated config.h file.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Slightly different patch applied, but should be fixed. Thanks for the report.