In a completely fresh jail, i.e. nothing in /usr/local/ or /usr/X11R6/, run make -DWITHOUT_JAVA configure configure barfs with: checking whether to build with Java support... yes checking for java... no checking the installed JDK... configure: error: JAVA not found. You need at least jdk-1.3, Kaffee 1.01, or gcj ===> Script "configure" failed unexpectedly. But, even if java is installed, attempting to build -DWITHOUT_JAVA fails in configure, because OOo2 attempts to run some command with /usr/local/bin/ant, which then wedges. This is because configure is being passed --disable-java, but OOo2 switched to wanting --without-java. Fix: In files/Makefile.knobs, change the --disable-java to --without-java.
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->openoffice Over to maintainers.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed thanks!