- update to 1.1.4 - add options for ipv6 (enable/disable) - take maintainership From 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 ------------------- contrib/: Added init.d script from Klaus-J README: Added credits From 1.1.1 to 1.1.3 ------------------- * main(): Added reading from the popen() ptr in the fallback checking as well, seems to be required on some systems. * reset(): Oops: Removed my trace output in -reset * parseargs(): Added -err and -err6 which displays the error log, much like the -log option * help(): Fixed typo at -errFile6 * help(): Added -err and -err6 * help(): Fixed typo * dispErrs(): New function and file, takes a mode and a string. The mode tells us if it's -err6 or -err that's calling us, and the string holds the corresponding filename. Simple and straight forward * man/icpld.1: Added -err and -err6 as well as some other minor adjustments * reset(): Slight modification to get rid of some redundancy * icpld.conf.sample: Rewrote some comments to clarify things which may have been a tad fuzzy
State Changed From-To: open->closed Committed, with minor changes. Thanks!