This update make mozilla linux binary ports what they should have been for a long time - small, simple and fluffy. They are now consolidated around www/linux-seamonkey/Makefile.common Among other things, desktop entries are now snatched from native apps (inspired by Masashi CHIBA <>) Flock was updated to (really small update) Fix: (if bsd1 host is down, please try bsd2 and bsd3) These patches don't have to be applied altogether, but seamonkey should be patched first. You can review non-seamonkey patches later or close this PR and I'll send them separately. But they are very simple and it shouldn't be a problem to commit them all. Thank you very much!
Responsible Changed From-To: freebsd-ports-bugs->sat I'll take it.
State Changed From-To: open->closed Commited, thanks!