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Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation engine which provides the |
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Coccinelle is a program matching and transformation engine which |
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language SmPL (Semantic Patch Language) for specifying desired matches and |
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provides the language SmPL (Semantic Patch Language) for specifying |
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transformations in C code. Coccinelle was initially targeted towards performing |
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desired matches and transformations in C code. Coccinelle was initially |
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collateral evolutions in Linux. Such evolutions comprise the changes that are |
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targeted towards performing collateral evolutions in Linux. Such |
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needed in client code in response to evolutions in library APIs, and may |
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evolutions comprise the changes that are needed in client code in |
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include modifications such as renaming a function, adding a function argument |
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response to evolutions in library APIs, and may include modifications |
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whose value is somehow context-dependent, and reorganizing a data |
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such as renaming a function, adding a function argument whose value is |
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structure. Beyond collateral evolutions, Coccinelle is successfully used (by us |
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somehow context-dependent, and reorganizing a data structure. Beyond |
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and others) for finding and fixing bugs in systems code. |
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collateral evolutions, Coccinelle is successfully used (by us and |
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others) for finding and fixing bugs in systems code. |
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WWW: |
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WWW: |