Line 0
Link Here
1 |
<?php |
2 |
/** |
3 |
* Polish (pl) translation file. |
4 |
* Based on phpScheduleIt translation file. |
5 |
* This also serves as the base translation file from which to derive |
6 |
* all other translations. |
7 |
* |
8 |
* @author Samuel Tran <> |
9 |
* @author Brian Wong <> |
10 |
* @author Nicolas Peyrussie <> |
11 |
* @version 04-03-07 |
12 |
* @package Languages |
13 |
* |
14 |
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 MailZu |
15 |
* License: GPL, see LICENSE |
16 |
*/ |
17 |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
18 |
19 |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
20 |
// This file contains all of the strings that are used throughout phpScheduleit. |
21 |
// Please save the translated file as '2 letter language code'.lang.php. For example, en.lang.php. |
22 |
// |
23 |
// To make phpScheduleIt available in another language, simply translate each |
24 |
// of the following strings into the appropriate one for the language. If there |
25 |
// is no direct translation, please provide the closest translation. Please be sure |
26 |
// to make the proper additions the /config/langs.php file (instructions are in the file). |
27 |
// Also, please add a help translation for your language using as a base. |
28 |
// |
29 |
// You will probably keep all sprintf (%s) tags in their current place. These tags |
30 |
// are there as a substitution placeholder. Please check the output after translating |
31 |
// to be sure that the sentences make sense. |
32 |
// |
33 |
// + Please use single quotes ' around all $strings. If you need to use the ' character, please enter it as \' |
34 |
// + Please use double quotes " around all $email. If you need to use the " character, please enter it as \" |
35 |
// |
36 |
// + For all $dates please use the PHP strftime() syntax |
37 |
// |
38 |
// |
39 |
// + Non-intuitive parts of this file will be explained with comments. If you |
40 |
// have any questions, please email |
41 |
// or post questions in the Developers forum on SourceForge |
42 |
// |
43 |
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
44 |
45 |
//////////////////////////////// |
46 |
/* Do not modify this section */ |
47 |
//////////////////////////////// |
48 |
global $strings; // |
49 |
global $email; // |
50 |
global $dates; // |
51 |
global $charset; // |
52 |
global $letters; // |
53 |
global $days_full; // |
54 |
global $days_abbr; // |
55 |
global $days_two; // |
56 |
global $days_letter; // |
57 |
global $months_full; // |
58 |
global $months_abbr; // |
59 |
global $days_letter; // |
60 |
/******************************/ |
61 |
62 |
// Charset for this language |
63 |
// 'iso-8859-1' will work for most languages |
64 |
$charset = 'iso-8859-2'; |
65 |
66 |
/*** |
67 |
68 |
All of these arrays MUST start with Sunday as the first element |
69 |
and go through the seven day week, ending on Saturday |
70 |
***/ |
71 |
// The full day name |
72 |
$days_full = array('Niedziela', 'Poniedzia³ek', 'Wtorek', '¦roda', 'Czwartek', 'Pi±tek', 'Sobota'); |
73 |
// The three letter abbreviation |
74 |
$days_abbr = array('Nie', 'Pon', 'Wto', '¦ro', 'Czw', 'Pi±', 'Sob'); |
75 |
// The two letter abbreviation |
76 |
$days_two = array('Nd', 'Pn', 'Wt', '¦r', 'Cz', 'Pi', 'So'); |
77 |
// The one letter abbreviation |
78 |
$days_letter = array('N', 'P', 'W', '¦', 'C', 'T', 'S'); |
79 |
80 |
/*** |
81 |
82 |
All of these arrays MUST start with January as the first element |
83 |
and go through the twelve months of the year, ending on December |
84 |
***/ |
85 |
// The full month name |
86 |
$months_full = array('Styczeñ', 'Luty', 'Marzec', 'Kwiecieñ', 'Maj', 'Czerwiec', 'Lipiec', 'Sierpieñ', 'Wrzesieñ', 'Pa¼dziernik', 'Listopad', 'Grudzieñ'); |
87 |
// The three letter month name |
88 |
$months_abbr = array('Sty', 'Lut', 'Mar', 'Kwi', 'Maj', 'Cze', 'Lip', 'Sie', 'Wrz', 'Pa¼', 'Lis', 'Gru'); |
89 |
90 |
// All letters of the alphabet starting with A and ending with Z |
91 |
$letters = array ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'); |
92 |
93 |
/*** |
94 |
95 |
All of the date formatting must use the PHP strftime() syntax |
96 |
You can include any text/HTML formatting in the translation |
97 |
***/ |
98 |
// General date formatting used for all date display unless otherwise noted |
99 |
$dates['general_date'] = '%d/%m/%Y'; |
100 |
// General datetime formatting used for all datetime display unless otherwise noted |
101 |
// The hour:minute:second will always follow this format |
102 |
$dates['general_datetime'] = '%d/%m/%Y @'; |
103 |
$dates['header'] = '%A, %B %d, %Y'; |
104 |
105 |
/*** |
106 |
107 |
All of these strings should be translated from the English value (right side of the equals sign) to the new language. |
108 |
- Please keep the keys (between the [] brackets) as they are. The keys will not always be the same as the value. |
109 |
- Please keep the sprintf formatting (%s) placeholders where they are unless you are sure it needs to be moved. |
110 |
- Please keep the HTML and punctuation as-is unless you know that you want to change it. |
111 |
***/ |
112 |
$strings['hours'] = 'godziny'; |
113 |
$strings['minutes'] = 'minuty'; |
114 |
// The common abbreviation to hint that a user should enter the month as 2 digits |
115 |
$strings['mm'] = 'mm'; |
116 |
// The common abbreviation to hint that a user should enter the day as 2 digits |
117 |
$strings['dd'] = 'dd'; |
118 |
// The common abbreviation to hint that a user should enter the year as 4 digits |
119 |
$strings['yyyy'] = 'yyyy'; |
120 |
$strings['am'] = 'am'; |
121 |
$strings['pm'] = 'pm'; |
122 |
123 |
$strings['Administrator'] = 'Administrator'; |
124 |
$strings['Welcome Back'] = '%s, witaj ponownie'; |
125 |
$strings['Log Out'] = 'Wyloguj'; |
126 |
$strings['Help'] = 'Pomoc'; |
127 |
128 |
$strings['Admin Email'] = 'Email administratora'; |
129 |
130 |
$strings['Default'] = 'Domy¶lny'; |
131 |
$strings['Reset'] = 'Reset'; |
132 |
$strings['Edit'] = 'Edytuj'; |
133 |
$strings['Delete'] = 'Skasuj'; |
134 |
$strings['Cancel'] = 'Anuluj'; |
135 |
$strings['View'] = 'Podgl±d'; |
136 |
$strings['Modify'] = 'Modyfikacja'; |
137 |
$strings['Save'] = 'Zachowaj'; |
138 |
$strings['Back'] = 'Powrót'; |
139 |
$strings['BackMessageIndex'] = 'Powrót do Wiadomo¶ci'; |
140 |
$strings['ToggleHeaders'] = 'Prze³±cz nag³ówki'; |
141 |
$strings['ViewOriginal'] = 'Obejrzyj w oryginale'; |
142 |
$strings['Next'] = 'Nastêpna'; |
143 |
$strings['Close Window'] = 'Zamknij okno'; |
144 |
$strings['Search'] = 'Szukaj'; |
145 |
$strings['Clear'] = 'Wyczy¶æ'; |
146 |
147 |
$strings['Days to Show'] = 'Dni do pokazania'; |
148 |
$strings['Reservation Offset'] = 'Reservation Offset'; |
149 |
$strings['Hidden'] = 'Ukryte'; |
150 |
$strings['Show Summary'] = 'Poka¿ podsumowanie'; |
151 |
$strings['Add Schedule'] = 'Dodaj Schedule'; |
152 |
$strings['Edit Schedule'] = 'Edytuj Schedule'; |
153 |
$strings['No'] = 'Nie'; |
154 |
$strings['Yes'] = 'Tak'; |
155 |
$strings['Name'] = 'Nazwa'; |
156 |
$strings['First Name'] = 'Imiê'; |
157 |
$strings['Last Name'] = 'Nazwisko'; |
158 |
$strings['Resource Name'] = 'Nazwa ¯ród³a'; |
159 |
$strings['Email'] = 'Email'; |
160 |
$strings['Institution'] = 'Instytucja'; |
161 |
$strings['Phone'] = 'Telefon'; |
162 |
$strings['Password'] = 'Has³o'; |
163 |
$strings['Permissions'] = 'Uprawnienia'; |
164 |
$strings['View information about'] = 'Zobacz informacjê o %s %s'; |
165 |
$strings['Send email to'] = 'Wy¶lij email do %s %s'; |
166 |
$strings['Reset password for'] = 'Reset has³a dla %s %s'; |
167 |
$strings['Edit permissions for'] = 'Edycja uprawnieñ dla %s %s'; |
168 |
$strings['Position'] = 'Pozycja'; |
169 |
$strings['Password (6 char min)'] = 'Has³o (minimum %s znaków)'; // @since 1.1.0 |
170 |
$strings['Re-Enter Password'] = 'Wprowad¼ has³o ponownie'; |
171 |
172 |
$strings['Date'] = 'Data'; |
173 |
$strings['Email Users'] = 'Wy¶lij email do u¿ytkowników'; |
174 |
$strings['Subject'] = 'Temat'; |
175 |
$strings['Message'] = 'Wiadomo¶æ'; |
176 |
$strings['Send Email'] = 'Wy¶lij Email'; |
177 |
$strings['problem sending email'] = 'Niestety wyst±pi³ b³±d podczas wysy³ania emaila. Proszê spróbowaæ ponownie pó¼niej.'; |
178 |
$strings['The email sent successfully.'] = 'Wys³anie emaila zakoñczone sukcesem.'; |
179 |
$strings['Email address'] = 'Adres email'; |
180 |
$strings['Please Log In'] = 'Proszê siê zalogowaæ'; |
181 |
$strings['Keep me logged in'] = 'Pamiêtaj moje dane logowania <br/>(wymagane ciasteczka)'; |
182 |
$strings['Password'] = 'Has³o'; |
183 |
$strings['Log In'] = 'Zaloguj'; |
184 |
$strings['Get online help'] = 'Dostêp do pomocy'; |
185 |
$strings['Language'] = 'Jêzyk'; |
186 |
$strings['(Default)'] = '(Domy¶lnie)'; |
187 |
188 |
$strings['Email Administrator'] = 'Wy¶lij email do administrator'; |
189 |
190 |
$strings['N/A'] = 'Niedostêpne'; |
191 |
$strings['Summary'] = 'Podsumowanie'; |
192 |
193 |
$strings['View stats for schedule'] = 'Zobacz statystyki dla wykazu:'; |
194 |
$strings['At A Glance'] = 'W skrócie'; |
195 |
$strings['Total Users'] = 'Wszystkich u¿ytkowników:'; |
196 |
$strings['Total Resources'] = 'Wszystkich zasobów:'; |
197 |
$strings['Total Reservations'] = 'Wszystkich Rezerwacji:'; |
198 |
$strings['Max Reservation'] = 'Maksimum Rezerwacji:'; |
199 |
$strings['Min Reservation'] = 'Minimum Rezerwacji:'; |
200 |
$strings['Avg Reservation'] = '¦rednio Rezerwacji:'; |
201 |
$strings['Most Active Resource'] = 'Najbardziej aktywne ¼ród³a:'; |
202 |
$strings['Most Active User'] = 'Najbardziej aktywni u¿ytkownicy:'; |
203 |
$strings['System Stats'] = 'Statystyki systemowe'; |
204 |
$strings['phpScheduleIt version'] = 'Wersja phpScheduleIt:'; |
205 |
$strings['Database backend'] = 'Baza danych:'; |
206 |
$strings['Database name'] = 'Nazwa bazy danych:'; |
207 |
$strings['PHP version'] = 'Wersja PHP:'; |
208 |
$strings['Server OS'] = 'System operacyjny serwera:'; |
209 |
$strings['Server name'] = 'Nazwa serwera:'; |
210 |
$strings['phpScheduleIt root directory'] = 'Katalog g³ówny (root) phpScheduleIt:'; |
211 |
$strings['Using permissions'] = 'Using permissions:'; |
212 |
$strings['Using logging'] = 'Using logging:'; |
213 |
$strings['Log file'] = 'Plik logu:'; |
214 |
$strings['Admin email address'] = 'Adres email administracyjny:'; |
215 |
$strings['Tech email address'] = 'Adres email techniczny:'; |
216 |
$strings['CC email addresses'] = 'Adresy email do Cc (do wiadomo¶ci):'; |
217 |
$strings['Reservation start time'] = 'Czas rozpoczêcia rezerwacji:'; |
218 |
$strings['Reservation end time'] = 'Czas zakoñczenia rezerwacji:'; |
219 |
$strings['Days shown at a time'] = 'Pokazana liczba dni:'; |
220 |
$strings['Reservations'] = 'Rezerwacje'; |
221 |
$strings['Return to top'] = 'Powrót na pocz±tek'; |
222 |
$strings['for'] = 'dla'; |
223 |
224 |
$strings['Per page'] = 'na stronê:'; |
225 |
$strings['Page'] = 'Strona:'; |
226 |
227 |
$strings['You are not logged in!'] = 'Nie jeste¶ zalogowany!'; |
228 |
229 |
$strings['Setup'] = 'Setup'; |
230 |
$strings['Invalid User Name/Password.'] = 'Niepoprawny login/has³o.'; |
231 |
232 |
$strings['Valid username is required'] = 'Wymagana poprawna nazwa u¿ytkownika'; |
233 |
234 |
$strings['Close'] = 'Zamknij'; |
235 |
236 |
$strings['Admin'] = 'Admin'; |
237 |
238 |
$strings['My Quick Links'] = 'Moje szybkie odno¶niki'; |
239 |
240 |
$strings['Go to first page'] = 'Id¼ na pierwsz± stronê'; |
241 |
$strings['Go to last page'] = 'Id¼ na ostatni± stronê'; |
242 |
$strings['Sort by descending order'] = 'Uporz±dkuj malej±co'; |
243 |
$strings['Sort by ascending order'] = 'Uporz±dkuj rosn±co'; |
244 |
$strings['Spam Quarantine'] = 'Kwarantanna spamów'; |
245 |
$strings['Message View'] = 'Podgl±d wiadomo¶ci'; |
246 |
$strings['Attachment Quarantine'] = 'Kwarantanna za³±czników'; |
247 |
$strings['No such content type'] = 'Nierozpoznana zawarto¶æ (content type)'; |
248 |
$strings['No message was selected'] = 'Nie wybrano wiadomo¶ci...'; |
249 |
$strings['Unknown action type'] = 'Nieznany rodzaj akcji...'; |
250 |
$strings['A problem occured when trying to release the following messages'] = 'Wyst±pi³ b³±d w trakcie uwalniania wiadomo¶ci'; |
251 |
$strings['A problem occured when trying to delete the following messages'] = 'Wyst±pi³ b³±d w trakcie kasowania wiadomo¶ci'; |
252 |
$strings['Please release the following messages'] = 'Proszê uwolniæ nastêpuj±ce wiadomo¶ci'; |
253 |
$strings['To'] = 'Do'; |
254 |
$strings['From'] = 'Od'; |
255 |
$strings['Subject'] = 'Temat'; |
256 |
$strings['Date'] = 'Data'; |
257 |
$strings['Score'] = 'Punkty'; |
258 |
$strings['Mail ID'] = 'ID wiadomo¶ci'; |
259 |
$strings['Status'] = 'Status'; |
260 |
$strings['Print'] = 'Drukuj'; |
261 |
$strings['CloseWindow'] = 'Zamknij'; |
262 |
$strings['Unknown server type'] = 'Nieznany type serwera...'; |
263 |
$strings['Showing messages'] = "Wy¶wietlenie wiadomo¶ci %s do %s (%s wszystkich)\r\n"; |
264 |
$strings['View this message'] = 'Zobacz wiadomo¶æ'; |
265 |
$strings['Message Unavailable'] = 'Wiadomo¶æ niedostêpna'; |
266 |
$strings['My Quarantine'] = 'Moja kwarantanna'; |
267 |
$strings['Site Quarantine'] = 'Kwarantanna systemu'; |
268 |
$strings['Message Processing'] = 'Przetwarzanie wiadomo¶ci'; |
269 |
$strings['Quarantine Summary'] = 'Podsumowanie kwarantanny'; |
270 |
$strings['Site Quarantine Summary'] = 'Podsumowanie kwarantanny systemu'; |
271 |
$strings['Login'] = 'Login'; |
272 |
$strings['spam(s)'] = 'spam(ów)'; |
273 |
$strings['attachment(s)'] = 'za³±cznik(ów)'; |
274 |
$strings['pending release request(s)'] = 'przetwarzanie ¿±dania(ñ) uwolnienia'; |
275 |
$strings['virus(es)'] = 'wirus(ów)'; |
276 |
$strings['bad header(s)'] = 'z³y(ch) nag³ów-ek/ków'; |
277 |
$strings['You have to type some text'] = 'Musisz podaæ jakikolwiek tekst'; |
278 |
$strings['Release'] = 'Zwolnij'; |
279 |
$strings['Release/Request release'] = 'Zwolnij wiadomo¶ci oczekuj±ce w kolejce'; |
280 |
$strings['Request release'] = 'Pro¶ba o zwolnienie'; |
281 |
$strings['Delete'] = 'Skasuj'; |
282 |
$strings['Delete All'] = 'Skasuj wszystko'; |
283 |
$strings['Send report and go back'] = 'Wy¶³anie raportu i powrót'; |
284 |
$strings['Go back'] = "Powrót"; |
285 |
$strings['Select All'] = "Wybierz wszystko"; |
286 |
$strings['Clear All'] = "Wyczy¶æ wszystko"; |
287 |
$strings['Access Denied'] = "Dostêp zabroniony"; |
288 |
$strings['My Pending Requests'] = "My Pending Requests"; |
289 |
$strings['Site Pending Requests'] = "Site Pending Requests"; |
290 |
$strings['Cancel Request'] = "Anuluj pro¶bê"; |
291 |
$strings['User is not allowed to login'] = "Brak uprawnieñ do zalogowania dla u¿ytkownika"; |
292 |
$strings['Authentication successful'] = "Uwierzytelnienie poprawne"; |
293 |
$strings['Authentication failed'] = "Uwierzytelnienie niepoprawne"; |
294 |
$strings['LDAP connection failed'] = "Po³±czenie LDAP/AD nie powiod³o siê"; |
295 |
$strings['Logout successful'] = "Wylogowanie poprawne"; |
296 |
$strings['IMAP Authentication: no match'] = "IMAP Authentication: no match"; |
297 |
$strings['Search for messages whose:'] = "Szukaj wiadomo¶ci, które:"; |
298 |
$strings['Content Type'] = "Content Type"; |
299 |
$strings['Clear search results'] = "Wyczy¶æ wyniki wyszukiwania"; |
300 |
$strings['contains'] = "zawiera"; |
301 |
$strings['doesn\'t contain'] = "nie zawiera"; |
302 |
$strings['equals'] = ""; |
303 |
$strings['doesn\'t equal'] = "ró¿ny od"; |
304 |
$strings['All'] = "Wszystko"; |
305 |
$strings['Spam'] = "Spam"; |
306 |
$strings['Banned'] = "Niepoprawny za³±cznik"; |
307 |
$strings['Virus'] = "Wirus"; |
308 |
$strings['Viruses'] = "Viruses"; |
309 |
$strings['Bad Header'] = "Bad Header"; |
310 |
$strings['Bad Headers'] = "Bad Headers"; |
311 |
$strings['Pending Requests'] = "Pending Requests"; |
312 |
$strings['last'] = "ostatnie"; |
313 |
$strings['first'] = "pierwsze"; |
314 |
$strings['previous'] = "poprzedni"; |
315 |
$strings['There was an error executing your query'] = 'There was an error executing your query:'; |
316 |
$strings['There are no matching records.'] = 'There are no matching records.'; |
317 |
$strings['Domain'] = 'Domena'; |
318 |
$strings['Total'] = 'Wszystko'; |
319 |
$strings['X-Amavis-Alert'] = 'X-Amavis-Alert'; |
320 |
$strings['Loading Summary...'] = 'Loading Summary...'; |
321 |
$strings['Retrieving Messages...'] = 'Retrieving Messages...'; |
322 |
?> |