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(-)b/documentation/content/en/books/handbook/zfs/_index.adoc (-2 / +1 lines)
Lines 2813-2819 A configuration of two RAID-Z2 vdevs consisting of 8 disks each would create som Link Here
|Instead of a consistency check like man:fsck[8], ZFS has `scrub`. `scrub` reads all data blocks stored on the pool and verifies their checksums against the known good checksums stored in the metadata. A periodic check of all the data stored on the pool ensures the recovery of any corrupted blocks before needing them. A scrub is not required after an unclean shutdown, but good practice is at least once every three months. ZFS verifies the checksum of each block during normal use, but a scrub makes certain to check even infrequently used blocks for silent corruption. ZFS improves data security in archival storage situations. Adjust the relative priority of `scrub` with <<zfs-advanced-tuning-scrub_delay,`vfs.zfs.scrub_delay`>> to prevent the scrub from degrading the performance of other workloads on the pool.
|Instead of a consistency check like man:fsck[8], ZFS has `scrub`. `scrub` reads all data blocks stored on the pool and verifies their checksums against the known good checksums stored in the metadata. A periodic check of all the data stored on the pool ensures the recovery of any corrupted blocks before needing them. A scrub is not required after an unclean shutdown, but good practice is at least once every three months. ZFS verifies the checksum of each block during normal use, but a scrub makes certain to check even infrequently used blocks for silent corruption. ZFS improves data security in archival storage situations. Adjust the relative priority of `scrub` with <<zfs-advanced-tuning-scrub_delay,`vfs.zfs.scrub_delay`>> to prevent the scrub from degrading the performance of other workloads on the pool.
|[[zfs-term-quota]]Dataset Quota
|[[zfs-term-quota]]Dataset Quota
|ZFS provides fast and accurate dataset, user, and group space accounting as well as quotas and space reservations. This gives the administrator fine grained control over space allocation and allows reserving space for critical file systems. 
a|ZFS provides fast and accurate dataset, user, and group space accounting as well as quotas and space reservations. This gives the administrator fine grained control over space allocation and allows reserving space for critical file systems.
ZFS supports different types of quotas: the dataset quota, the <<zfs-term-refquota,reference quota (refquota)>>, the <<zfs-term-userquota,user quota>>, and the <<zfs-term-groupquota,group quota>>.
ZFS supports different types of quotas: the dataset quota, the <<zfs-term-refquota,reference quota (refquota)>>, the <<zfs-term-userquota,user quota>>, and the <<zfs-term-groupquota,group quota>>.

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